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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 149

No.57330651 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Describe your experiences with the last femanons you talked to privately. Here are the ones I've talked to in 2020:

>Girl from Scotland who added me after a friend posted my username in a thread as a prank, turned out she was looking for a sugar daddy so I let the conversation die after a day or two
>Girl with weird music taste who barely spoke, gave up on her after a few days
>Pic related
>Girl from Alabama who was a Weimarboo and /tv/ user, she abanadoned her account after seeing the Sonic movie
>Girl from Canada looking for an independent bf to support her NEETdom, I'd like to talk to her more because we play similar vidya but she never speaks unless spoken to and has only been giving terse answers lately
>Girl from Florida who didn't put much effort into conversation, so I followed suit
>Another girl from Florida who called me cute but ghosted a few hours later
>Girl from Sweden who seemed really eager to talk yesterday but ignored me all day today

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No.27096575 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My conversation with my dad minutes ago

>anon we spoke to your grandparents and they said they want you to come to Guangzhou (a city in China) to live with them so they can make your normal again, what do you think?
>I'm not sure, I'll think about it
>well it doesn't seem like you're getting better, if you're going to be at home most of the time, you might as well try out living. You can go with your grands to buy a computer once you're.
>okay I'll think about it and let you know

Looka like my family can't take it anymore
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No.57297603 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any artists on here willing to make some cute drawings of these two? Bonus points if it's lewd
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No.57179623 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Best movie
>what are you playing right now?
>Share your fav song

I'll start
18, Mtf, Dutch

Gaming, Poetry and playing guitar

Girl Interrupted or FightClub, Can't choose

Right now im speedrunning Getting over it and playing cod mw

Reptilla - The Strokes

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No.57257740 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Big Baz mumbling "it's just da fookin floo, simple as" whilst the nurse sets up the ventilator edition
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No.57248087 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
any browncels here ? Lets share are woes and get comfy
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Evidence that Tahlia and BrendioEEE got married

No.57237695 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, Tahlia is officially married to the jubilee incel BrendioEEE, both of them have respectively posted about this and it's pretty brutal
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No.56963708 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have a discord link to a server called "T H E A R C H I V E" owned by someone named Dormin (AKA Mordun), or have contact info to Dormin or anyone in the server? I'm trying to get into that server and/or reach out to Dormin. I'll honestly take any info you have, even his steam helps.
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No.38049453 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I know we may joke or troll about this or that, but deep down each and every one of us loves Ciara and wants what's best for her. We're increasingly becoming concerned about her drug use and self-harm. Even after a stay in places meant to help her, she's gone back to her bad habits of drug use and hanging around nefarious elements that lead her astray. Supposedly she's gone to fentanyl, which is even more dangerous than heroin.

How do we save her?
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No.56888976 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are going back to school this year right, anon? You're not going to waste another year of your life doing nothing are you?
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