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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 149
Describe your experiences with the last femanons you talked to privately. Here are the ones I've talked to in 2020:>Girl from Scotland who added me after a friend posted my username in a thread as a prank, turned out she was looking for a sugar daddy so I let the conversation die after a day or two >Girl with weird music taste who barely spoke, gave up on her after a few days >Pic related >Girl from Alabama who was a Weimarboo and /tv/ user, she abanadoned her account after seeing the Sonic movie >Girl from Canada looking for an independent bf to support her NEETdom, I'd like to talk to her more because we play similar vidya but she never speaks unless spoken to and has only been giving terse answers lately >Girl from Florida who didn't put much effort into conversation, so I followed suit >Another girl from Florida who called me cute but ghosted a few hours later >Girl from Sweden who seemed really eager to talk yesterday but ignored me all day today THE SEARCH FOR THE HOLY GRAIL CONTINUES
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>>57339199 Yuck, why is it always the ugly fat ones who post their dicks to people like this
>>57338428 Do you prefer world or 4U?
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>>57339537 I started on world last year and after not having enough time to play on pc during the semester picked up 4u but only just starting hr now. I think its neat how similar yet different the two styles of games are but feel distinct enough that I wouldn't put one over the other. Since virus started though I started ib a few days ago and just opened the guiding lands.
really bad btw Anonymous
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>>57332247 Hell isn't real anon
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>>57330651 >add a girl from here >talk about something for a while >silence >more silence i've told them that i'm not very assertive so i probably won't message first ever if it's not important and that they should just send me a message if they wanna talk. they still won't but i won't blame them. it's my own fault i won't just do it but i have no drive to talk to them ever for some reason. though it still bugs me that they won't remove me or say anything so i'm just left there wondering if i'm at fault or are they just not a good person. well, it's not like i expected anything anyway so i'm not depressed about it, just confused and trying to not let it trash my self-esteem
also the classic
>add a girl >turns out the girl isn't a girl
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My conversation with my dad minutes ago>anon we spoke to your grandparents and they said they want you to come to Guangzhou (a city in China) to live with them so they can make your normal again, what do you think? >I'm not sure, I'll think about it >well it doesn't seem like you're getting better, if you're going to be at home most of the time, you might as well try out living. You can go with your grands to buy a computer once you're. >okay I'll think about it and let you know Looka like my family can't take it anymore
>>27099804 i had a wuick look at your 6/10 vs 8/10 lookism thread purely out of curiosity, i mean, from my previous post you get the impression im not trying to get pussy as a means to my revenge, i dont see the connection between getting girls as a means to get revenge on chads
>>27099890 didn't you say you wanted to outchad the chads? that plan won't end well, try something else
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>>27099912 theres more to chad than just pulling pussy.
i need power to accomplish this e.g. status, wealth, physical attributes - strength and skill. infact what ive described above is harder than getting pussy. true revenge happens when people meet me and they eventually figure out im the more superior person out of the two.
proper revenge is not about getting pussy or going on shooting sprees
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>>27099858 how would i start learning it? i think your inability to communicate comes from lack of practice. what so you recommend? i ink i read somewhere that the first 1000 characters covers 95% of most used words.
i could then pick up reading material afterwards and learn feom there. surely i dont need a bunch of textbooks right?
i know all the radicals and pinyin so the basic's out of the way.
also can you tell me how to pronounce the pinyin pic related? preferable on vocaroo. from list ing to native material, theres two different ways of pronoucing it.
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Any artists on here willing to make some cute drawings of these two? Bonus points if it's lewd
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>>57305506 what is her discord tag anyway?
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I don't know much about her character and don't care to know, but she's pretty.
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>>57299977 >20 fps videos Might as well not even upload, since they are worthless.
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/r9k/ is my favorite telenovela
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Fucking e-drama retards what on earth is wrong with you people
>ASL >Interest >Best movie >what are you playing right now? >Share your fav song >Discord#1234 I'll start 18, Mtf, Dutch Gaming, Poetry and playing guitar Girl Interrupted or FightClub, Can't choose Right now im speedrunning Getting over it and playing cod mw Reptilla - The Strokes CatChan#9991
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>>57179623 >ASL 21 M USA
>Interest Music. I play it and listen to it.
>Fav Movie Probably this old Charles Manson documentary I used to have on DVD which was just a guy with a video camera going around to spots Manson had been.
>Playing Right Now Unironically my own music.
>Fav Song Maybe Partying Will Help by The Minutemen
>Discord#1234 Son of Sam#4080
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>>57183510 >ASL 18 m aus
>Interest catching up on anime, learning guitar am currently reading the bible
>Best movie lesson of evil
>what are you playing right now? FEAR 2 since the first one was cool
>Share your fav song koliko Imas godlina by u skripcu
>Discord#1234 crawling#1893
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what do you say to people after you ask them how they're going
This thread was moved to
>>>/soc/28717426 Anonymous
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>>57184671 Good work you fucking cocksucker.
Maybe do something about the constant tranny threads next time.
Big Baz mumbling "it's just da fookin floo, simple as" whilst the nurse sets up the ventilator edition
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>>57261654 Why do Britfeel lads sound like pedos or spackers Holy shit
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Why isn't nubs on the radio? Why isn't Britnormie on the radio? Why isn't SP on the radio?
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bring back the fart guy
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>>57261625 who is this cute girI lads?
any browncels here ? Lets share are woes and get comfy
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>>57248972 it's because people see spanish as a brown language and hearing spanish is such a massive brown halo that even a swede could speak spanish and people would try to convince themselves he's distantly racially mixed
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>>57248087 I think I need to stop browsing r9k, this place is hell
>>57248087 >24 years old >Never kissed a girl >Sit everyday, playing video games, going hunting when frustrated, masturbating >Randomly feel like screaming when I see how wasted my life is The worst part is there's no way out due to my disability. I can't provide for anyone except myself.
It's stupid to have 137.5 IQ and have the face of a primitive man. Not smart enough to do anything just because you're smart, but not happy just playing video games and watching cartoons like you were as a boy.
I wish I could go back to being a child.
Being an adult male is mostly wishing I could be a boy and enjoy life again
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>>57249179 Are you Argentinian? A lot of them have been migrating to the USA recently
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>>57249904 Is this typical American DNA results?
So, Tahlia is officially married to the jubilee incel BrendioEEE, both of them have respectively posted about this and it's pretty brutal
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>>57243970 >>descendants of angl*s >>descendants of subhuman criminals >>indigenous "people" that are barely human why are you describing your own country?
>no national identity >what is the anzac spirit >why are figures like ned kelly, the eureka stockade rebels, gough whitlam almost universally praised here >should have never gained independence go suck off the queen
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>>57243892 Hi
post some figures girl
how big is his cock
does it feel nice getting filled up
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>>57237695 Who cares, I want REAL celebs to expose themselves not random people who just post online.
Real celebs like YouTubers
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oh well at least Zune will never leave us
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>>57243892 You posted all these things in public on 4chan and your blog, you manipulative bitch. You keep doing the exact things I'm accusing you of.
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Does anyone have a discord link to a server called "T H E A R C H I V E" owned by someone named Dormin (AKA Mordun), or have contact info to Dormin or anyone in the server? I'm trying to get into that server and/or reach out to Dormin. I'll honestly take any info you have, even his steam helps.
Based&Whitepilled rtalk101/3439
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>>56964378 >try searching for something that says "dormin" or "mordun" and "new server" because i know he has a new server on top of the I posted the search queries for both dormin and mordun, they are small result sets and I don't see a new server in either.
You saw this, right? Maybe the guy that made this knows something. Anonymous
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Dent man are you trying to make zombiearchive?
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just remember dormin backwords is nimrod also its a pretty shit server from my experience also the first time i joined i got my number as 1488 too bad the server got deleted(again)shortly after im not a poltard or anything, just thought it was cool
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was in the server. all dormin did was make dumb whores cut his name on their wrists and ask people to play chess. Not anywhere close to Reiko as far as I can tell.
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I know we may joke or troll about this or that, but deep down each and every one of us loves Ciara and wants what's best for her. We're increasingly becoming concerned about her drug use and self-harm. Even after a stay in places meant to help her, she's gone back to her bad habits of drug use and hanging around nefarious elements that lead her astray. Supposedly she's gone to fentanyl, which is even more dangerous than heroin. How do we save her?
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coalburners are irredeemable
>>38053201 >jake is such an ugly asshole >mark is so much hotter Fuck. Whoever this Jake fag is I feel bad.
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>>38053282 Marky Mark looks all droopy and Jake looks like the Spic version of ReviewBrah
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>>38053266 literally every racemixer does this
if you aint the one doing it, i got news about your partner
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Ciara. Goodbye.
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You are going back to school this year right, anon? You're not going to waste another year of your life doing nothing are you?
>>56891212 Ye but you aren't that dumby you were back in summer, you should feel really proud of yourself desu basically chad now
But your being alot like me, you're making threads with my image and stuff, just reading through all this, you're really attatched emotionaly, if you want to say it's romantic or not, either way it's still an emotional attatchment that you need to let go of like I did with Franz
I have to go now but I wish the best for you, don't stop the chad train you're own
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>>56891267 I am almost fully chad, thank you.
there are no words to say now, i wish we could be friends again, i miss what we did together it was fun and i wish we could do it again. I want you to re add me, i know you're gonna say 'emotionally attached blah blah' maybe that's true to an extent but. no think. just coom. in all seriousness i enjoyed being friends i genuinely did i just want a chance later down the line, can't you give that to me? just a chance? an open mind? Goodybe meow meow until we meet again.
>>56891267 Did you ever know what Franz looks like?
>>56891212 Franz got a gf?
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>>56891327,2 Why do you want to know that
>>56891327,1 Same question