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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 155

4channer Suicide

No.43858201 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I want to clear up some rumors about the Shuaiby suicide. I was his friend. Here is some backstory.
>become friends with an anon from here a month ago
>genuinely awesome guy to talk to, loved him so much
>had lots of fun staying up late discussing weeb things and whatnot
>group of friends constantly trying to help him through whatever he was going through
>goes through something with his mother
>we try to convince him that his parents care for him and that he should trust them
>It seems like he is doing ok for the most part
>one day, it really starts to bother him
>sets up livestream and sends it to us
>he does his thing, despite us trying to get him to not do it

>fast forward several hours
>people find the stream
>spread all over the internet within a matter of hours
>people start making up many rumors about him, memeing him to shit

I can confirm that almost every single rumor that is being said about him is untrue. No, that was not his ex. Her name was not cat. It wasn't on skype. His mother was not the one crying. It's not fake. /r9k/ did not drive him to suicide.
There are only a select few people who were actually there, and none of them are going to post in this thread.
We have lost a friend, a brother.
Rest in peace, Shuaiby. You will always be loved.
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No.53764606 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've never had a GF or anyone love me besides my Mom and Dad who are both dying of lung cancer, the rest of my family has never been in our life. I haven't had even one friend for 25 years straight. I don't own anything nice and have no money and live in the middle of nowhere. I spend all my time in bedroom here alone on my PC and its been like this since I can remember. I dread waking up every day. My eyes feel heavy all of the time and my whole body mildly aches, especially my head, always. If I told you everything about me and my life leading up to this point you'd be amazed that I haven't killed myself yet.

Because of me delaying my suicide I've reached levels of depression that are probably unheard of and this sort of long term isolation has had mental effects on me that have no name that I can find.

I don't know how much longer I can hold out.

No.53728372 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw you reread what you wrote while high on Zolpidem
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No.53429711 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ive saved up 3 months worth of income from my job. I'm on my way to work. I'm going to quit today and take a 2-3 month break from working. Fuck a job.
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No.53603690 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone here have any experience working at CNC related stuff?
i just came across it while browsing for job offers and it looks like it might be easy to learn on my own and a good job for a robot
is it any good? is it a realistic lifelong career?
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Please, Ciara, don't get married!

No.53590711 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I love you so much. I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you here on r9k.

If you marry that guy, my heart will be broken into a million pieces. But as long as you're happy, I guess...

>yes, I've been with other girls, but I want to spend the rest of my life with YOU!

I <3 U

The past is the past.

Let's move forward together in each other's arms of love and support.

I'm rich so I can support you financially. That's the easy part. But what I really want to do is support you emotionally to let you know that you matter and YOUR life is worth living for.

>yes, I want to please you sexually as well. I want to give you as many orgasms as I possibly can throughout the day because I <3 U

But I know you're getting married... :(

And I don't want to ruin that special day for you...

But, I just want to let you know that you'll always have that guy (me: not a cuck) thinking about what our lives would be together if WE were married instead.

>You're so beautiful, Ciara.

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No.53584726 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anime sex
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No.53575098 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I get a East African gf?
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No.41442482 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>be NEET self-taught programmer
>total geek KHHV
>instead of gaming I waste my time writing non-profit software
>write one of the firsts bitcoin GPU miners
>expended all my birthdays gifts savings into 2013 top tier SLI GPUs rig
>leave PC mining for almost an year until I fried the system
>mom is super upset and throws me a kitchen knife to my head for wasting the money in games
>she says she hates me and I should die
>episode leaves a huge scar in my scalp and soul

well... forward to today, I have 10 thousands BTC, is what I mined back in 2013, which is around 46 millions dollars as today exchange in FIAT money
I don't care about it at all, it means absolutely nothing for me.
Since I have nobody to leave my "inheritance" I *might* give it to you, yes I *might* publish the private key of my wallet, actually I have it on my copy&paste ready to drop
Convince me and you will probably get it.

This is my wallet:
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No.53547624 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who here /linux/? Appleroasties need not apply
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