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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 157

No.55390754 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I threatened to kill my parents, would they have legal ground to get me locked up? I really fantasize about telling them all that stuff, but I'm afraid it'll be used against me.
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No.55275396 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone remember Thalia?

No.55348294 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fembots, have you made any genuine platonic friendships here?

Lately I've been noticing that whenever I make it clear that I don't want to e-date and that I'm just looking for platonic relationships, I get ghosted. I know it's silly, but it kind of hurts because I'm a very lonely person who really just wants friends I can talk to everyday and be open with. For someone to care about me enough to check up on me everyday and make time for me really means a lot. Robots, why do you do this? Can we seriously just not be friends?
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How To Be Saved And Go To Heaven When You Die

No.55319771 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
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No.55191813 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Would you fuck Greta Thunberg?
148 posts and 69 images omitted

No.55189774 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>huueeeee the chinese are so cruel and evil for caging, killing and eating dogs!!
>waaa cute pupperino doggers are killed for their taste pleasure, how barbaric T_T
>heh, i dont give a fuck about stupid pigs and cows and i like killing them, bacon and steak are tasty

why are meat eaters such delusional fucking hypocrites? they will literally hunt down dog abusers, yet they kill pigs and cows for their taste pleasure all the time

why are they so fucking stupid? i can understand if you dont care about animals and respect the chinese's desire to kill dogs for their taste pleasure, but most meat eaters are delusional hypocritical FUCKING RETARDS
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No.55180718 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I stay up all night will I get hungry enough to go stuff myself with $50 worth of McDonald's in the morning? I want to want junk food, but I'm never hungry enough to truly EAT.
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!/VIqCi2ZME No.55138354 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>take a good hard look at how men treat each other in real life
>suddenly feminist theory starts making sense
What the fuck, anons? Do you feel the same way too?
>pic unrelated
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No.55045613 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Holy shit, fucking first worlders. You fucking niggers don't know how easy you fucking have it. You have everything in your fucking countries and still end up NEETs complaining about the most retarded shit, fucking idiots don't know about fucking real problems. Everyone that has been born in a first world country and complains about any retarded shit deserves to die. Stupid faggots you make a shit-ton of fucking money per fucking hour, every fucking job pays a lot, you could be rich if you fucking knew how to save money and you could buy happiness with it if you weren't fucking retarded
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Open letter to users:

No.55024676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When the term "incel" started to gain popular use, the mainstream opinion about it was negative as fuck.
I didn't want to form my own opinion based on second hand comments so i decided to go to the source and started to LARP as an incel on incels.something (i can't remember what was the domain at that point).
6 months passed and now i feel like sharing my experiences.
I have always felt empathy for men who can't get pussy, but for (most of) those at that forum i can't feel bad anymore.
Every time someone has a sprak of hope or intention to improve you drag him down and tell him that there is no hope for him and even if he gets a girlfiend she'll cheat on him or something.
It's obvious that you are terrified of the tought that one of you succeeds so you try to kill each others ambitions.
If an avarage looking guy with a bit low confidence would read the post there he would get convinced that he has no hope because he doesn't look like Brad Pitt 20 years ago or not 6' tall or for some other shortcoming he has.
I guarantee that many of you would have a shot at dating if it wasn't the incel "community".
To list every retarded delusion of yours would take a day so here are some of my favourites: