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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 159

No.54767144 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hate school so fucking much. I hate going to class every day to listen to lectures that I don't care about and serve no purpose to my life anymore. I hate exams, I hate grades, I hate attendance policies, I cannot put into words how much time I feel I have wasted whenever I manage to make myself read a textbook chapter. I hate having to listen to professors try and brainwash me with their political beliefs every day. I hate listening to stupid students who accuse me of racism because I accidentally mispronounced my Arab professor's name.

I'm a senior at this point, and have no idea how I'm going to force myself to graduate. Every semester I get lazier. I fucking hate school so much that I procrastinate for days at a time simply on sending my professors emails. I've looked at assignments I have to do, and just straight up didn't do it. I can't bear to even make myself look at Canvas/Blackboard to see what I've been assigned. I instead go through every week just trying to deny that I have anything assigned and then just go "whoops" if I realize I missed something.

I looked at my syllabus, and instead of planning when I was gonna do my assignments, I planned which classes each week I was gonna skip. I had it all planned out around dates where my professors have canceled class so I can skip exactly the number of classes each classes' attendance policy allows for and I have it spaced out so that I can miss a class almost every week.

Its not because I'm not smart. I just really despise school. I'm borderline failing two classes right now.

Am I destined to be a failure in life? Why was I born intelligent but with so little work ethic or ambition? If I could, I would just watch anime/TV, listen to music, and have sex with a robot for the rest of my life. The only job I can imagine myself genuinely enjoying is writing screenplays but its so hard to get into that industry.
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No.54726891 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Me and my Chinese-American boyfriend in the San Francisco hood. Careful so that his pregnant wife doesn't catch us. He usually keeps me locked up in a motel he rents for me, but today he got a $1 raise at his Burger King job, so we're on a date! No matter how much Viagra he need, he's the one! So glad I left my terrible life in Norway behind and came to America!
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Letter thread cont. write a letter to someone that will not read this.

No.53959308 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Dear Franziska,
I liked your face, your hair, your scent, your smile, your personality, your affection and most importantly of all: your friendship

I don't like: How I completely demolished your trust in me.
I hate myself now and I just want to go back to sitting in your room and playing games.
I did not mean to go as far as I did, I should have stopped touching you when you told me to.
I will not blame this on the booze or weed, I take full responsibility in fingering you against your will.
I thought you liked it but I was just so wrong.
I know you visit 4chan a lot and might stumble into this and I just want to say I do not think I can live in peace ever again knowing I hurt you.
You do not have to forgive me ever for what I have done but I would definitely love another shot, another chance to treat you right.
My very soul hurts, you were my only friend and I molested you.
I am sorry.

rney, Programmer here. Why am I hated?

No.54557467 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a NEET attorney, and a programmer as well.

Half my (extended) family hates me and thinks I'm a "fucking idiot".

The educated side of the family does not hate me.

My programming for one project alone, which I brought up from 18 weapons to over 200 weapons, is worth 4 to 6 million dollars according to the source lines of code calculator that the linux devs use.

(Not to mention the mapping, 3d modeling, textures, pixel art, and music I produce)
(A very small sample of the 100+ models I've made over the years: )

I also have marble floors in my domicile (because I cut and placed them down, with border vs 45 degree angle placement), finished 1/3rd of the house myself (the unfinished areas), I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!"). I'm also handy with the coping saw to make properly installed crown molding.

I reminded the LKML that non-exclusive free licenses are revocable since they are not supported by consideration (and obeying a pre-existing duty doesn't cut it), which triggered about 30 articles on the topic 6 months ago.

(and here's more recent:

You know why I'm hated? (Tell me)
I think it might be because I do whatever I want, and study what I want, while they work 1 job for a boss all their days, learn nothing, and want others to join their misery.

Oh and because I accept and support YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls (white men hate this: MUUUHH WHITE WUUMAN) (YHWH allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar (hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child)) (puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))


i want to fren you all

No.54711880 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/r9k whitepill server/

a new, small, cozy server for the outcasts that struggle with mental health

to chat and vent - give not just life, but in particular themselves a chance to become better - to reach a balanced state of time


it is a honest server, not a delusional positive one
some negativity is part of having a balanced state of mind


>no self destruction - but self improvement
>not a suicide pact server
>if you want to an hero, consider this a sign to give life a last chance
>in need of more positive people

we might not all make it, but we can all try together
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No.54646735 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
any serber for shut-ins I can join? get banned anywhere and I don't like talking in DMs because I don't connect with anyone
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No.54642526 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i'm I the only one who feels the world was much more innocent before the internet?

No.54622567 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
want to kys or chat to friends
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No.53774213 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw 19YO
>tfw studying Radiology so I can kill myself by (hopefully) getting cancer so mom would not be so sad
I still have a few years ahead of me tho. But just knowing what awaits conforts me. The money is good tho.

Express your Sexuality - Part 1 of post

No.8877821 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
First of all, what do you think is a 'respectful' way to blatantly hit on a woman, and your thoughts on my experience today. Don't give me that bullshit about 'objectifying women' we are all Sexual beings and you should have the balls to openly acknowledge that, while not creepy or rude about it. Inspired by this video

I took an opportunity to try something similar today: I was walking through a university campus, don't attend there, was just getting some food from this place on campus. I saw a girl walk out of a building and ahead of me on the same walkway, and she was wearing what looked like lycra boy short panties and nothing else for bottoms. So I lurked a little at a distance and then approached her at a comfortable angle from the side. Now my first instinct was to say 'I dig that ass,' but realized that would be as useless as honking a horn or whistling at her. So it ended up going like this, while walking together for 20 seconds then I ended up going a different way form her anyway:
>Me: Did you forget your pants today?
Her: lol yea
>Me: Awesome, thats really fucking cute. I like it.
Her: Thanks
>Me: So are those just like panties you have on?
Her: They're actually shorts.
>Me: Cool.
She's smiling and seems comfortable with me so I ask:
>Me: Can I feel it? (playfully)
Her: No (calmly)
>Me: Wanna feel my ass?
Her: No
>At this point I was going to the left while she was going straight ahead.

Inb4 creepy rapist police looking for you. Don't try this at home if you're a fat smelly neckbeard obviously, but if not, realize that most women aren't feminazis and they won't call you a creepy loser for hitting on them. What did I hope to accomplish? Absolutely nothing, except to push the edge of my comfort zone. If I expected to ask her out or get her number, I would have been buttfrustrated, but my goal was to practice flirting with promiscuously dressed women and deliberately get rejected, & mission accomplished.
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