Quoted By: >>54767388
I hate school so fucking much. I hate going to class every day to listen to lectures that I don't care about and serve no purpose to my life anymore. I hate exams, I hate grades, I hate attendance policies, I cannot put into words how much time I feel I have wasted whenever I manage to make myself read a textbook chapter. I hate having to listen to professors try and brainwash me with their political beliefs every day. I hate listening to stupid students who accuse me of racism because I accidentally mispronounced my Arab professor's name.
I'm a senior at this point, and have no idea how I'm going to force myself to graduate. Every semester I get lazier. I fucking hate school so much that I procrastinate for days at a time simply on sending my professors emails. I've looked at assignments I have to do, and just straight up didn't do it. I can't bear to even make myself look at Canvas/Blackboard to see what I've been assigned. I instead go through every week just trying to deny that I have anything assigned and then just go "whoops" if I realize I missed something.
I looked at my syllabus, and instead of planning when I was gonna do my assignments, I planned which classes each week I was gonna skip. I had it all planned out around dates where my professors have canceled class so I can skip exactly the number of classes each classes' attendance policy allows for and I have it spaced out so that I can miss a class almost every week.
Its not because I'm not smart. I just really despise school. I'm borderline failing two classes right now.
Am I destined to be a failure in life? Why was I born intelligent but with so little work ethic or ambition? If I could, I would just watch anime/TV, listen to music, and have sex with a robot for the rest of my life. The only job I can imagine myself genuinely enjoying is writing screenplays but its so hard to get into that industry.
I'm a senior at this point, and have no idea how I'm going to force myself to graduate. Every semester I get lazier. I fucking hate school so much that I procrastinate for days at a time simply on sending my professors emails. I've looked at assignments I have to do, and just straight up didn't do it. I can't bear to even make myself look at Canvas/Blackboard to see what I've been assigned. I instead go through every week just trying to deny that I have anything assigned and then just go "whoops" if I realize I missed something.
I looked at my syllabus, and instead of planning when I was gonna do my assignments, I planned which classes each week I was gonna skip. I had it all planned out around dates where my professors have canceled class so I can skip exactly the number of classes each classes' attendance policy allows for and I have it spaced out so that I can miss a class almost every week.
Its not because I'm not smart. I just really despise school. I'm borderline failing two classes right now.
Am I destined to be a failure in life? Why was I born intelligent but with so little work ethic or ambition? If I could, I would just watch anime/TV, listen to music, and have sex with a robot for the rest of my life. The only job I can imagine myself genuinely enjoying is writing screenplays but its so hard to get into that industry.