>>43860887The Bible nowhere teaches that the physical life is a gift, but that salvation, the grace of God is. If you were born a Quasimodo, for example, with mental illnesses, you most likely would think differently; at least you would not call your *physical* life a gift in this evil (Gal. 1:4) and wicked (1 John 5:19) vale of tears (Ps. 84:6).
Most people don't know what it's like to suffer from mental illnesses. Fine, but then please shut up about it.
Even Vox Day, in his Darkstream "Life is more than suffering" (around 33:05) says that regarding starting a family, "caution might be wise" if one ia genetically predisposed to psychotic mental illnesses.
TL;DR: ar the very least, listen to Galton, Guenther etc. and implement eugenics so as to sterilize those who have mental disorders running in their families. I most likely inherited mine from my father, he from his mother. I am also am ugly hunchback, but lack the mental gifts of other fellow hunchbacks like Pascal, Kant, Lichtenberg or the brilliant Kierkegaard.
So yeah, I most likely would have decided against my birth if I had had the choice. And this is why the gift is the grace of God, not my shitty physical life. Was Adam a hunchback?