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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 165

No.53410749 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Bianca manipulated hundreds of lonely desperate men into surrendering all thier money to her to fuel her drug addiction. She was a criminal.

She was a manipulative, sociopathic, con artist drug addict who deserved it.

Change my mind.
521 posts and 65 images omitted

No.53375021 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What was the moment that made you realize you hated women?
270 posts and 26 images omitted

Why are pedos a taboo?

No.53341243 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sometimes I feel sad about being smarter than the rest of humanity.

I understand perfectly the difference between a pedophile who doesn't act out and a pedophile who rapes and commits crimes.
These are two very different people. Pedo is not synonymous with child rape. Being a pedo isn't even illegal if it's just watching anime pictures.
99% of humanity is incapable of realizing this. It's like being in the middle ages and telling people homosexuality isn't evil: nobody is there to understand. This pedo oppression is no different than claiming homosexuals rape straight guys. It's just as baseless and factually inaccurate.

As a test, I made a thread on /LGBT/ saying non-offending pedos are an oppressed sexual minority. Which they are in every way that the rainbow community defines oppression.
Thread got deleted, I got banned for "trolling" and people just screamed
>children can't consent you monster!!
Wow. And this is the most tolerant freedom of speech community of 2019.

The fuck? I expected people of 2019 to have a collective IQ of higher than this. I'm speechless. I must be the smartest individual of my time, a true pioneer. When I invent pedo rights I will be celebrated in the 2200's as a freedom of speech liberator.
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No.48194663 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm convinced my roommate has autism but he refuses to believe anything about him is out of the ordinary. He has it to where his mentality is that of a 8 year old and has no self awareness.

He is twenty years old and asked me for permission to do the laundry half an hour ago. He doesn't understand how the real world works and refuses to figure it out. His frame of mind is so incorrect that he takes offense when you answer his question not in a way that pampers to his needs. He doesn't realize that electricity bills are related to his consumption and doesn't want any responsibilities. He has no work ethic and eats macaroni and cheese every evening.

Does this sound like autism or am I just describing a loser. I have autism on a different grade and I really can't stand this dude. He has no idea how to be himself and I don't think he knows what makes him "himself".

I'm ranting because my other roommate and i get along great but this anxious mess comes in and ruins everything fun. It's all about him and he disregards anything regarding responsibility until he actually has bills to pay and then he wants me to come with him to do it. What the fuck is this shit.
10 posts omitted

No.53318515 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
somebody get on r9k. i have something important to show you guys

No.53314775 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello peeps it is that time again

r9k and incel tag
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Weekly Family Thread

!!32syqk0MKIo No.53260014 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post stories, ask advice, or just talk about your family.

100 posts and 13 images omitted

No.53231113 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sour belts are better than cocaine
35 posts and 2 images omitted

No.53185696 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just hate women so much. All this loathing is consuming me. I'm turning mad with rage. Everything about them disgusts me to the utmost. I just feel like commiting a hate time at this point.
3 posts and 2 images omitted

No.52856447 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some hobbies I can pick up from the comfort of my room? There's sketching, drawing, reading, and making music but what else is there?
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