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So I just learned my little sister might be an autistic sociopath who wants her best friend dead and maybe a sick fuck pedo. >Be me >Little sister [13] borrowed my flash drive for a project >Forgot to give me the flash so i just go up to her room to get it >her computer was open and some weeb music was playing in the background however a folder with a bunch of txt documents labeled Diary[date/time] are in the folder >Curious I decided to copy the latest one to my flash drive >Now for background my sister has always been a little weird but is extremely nice to make up for it she cute too. Sometimes she gets a little too into her emotions. And is an autistic Kirby-fag >Take my flashdrive and boot it up on my lap-top and decide to read the cute stuff my sister might write. >Its not cute. >Its autistic hateful ramblings. >One on how I am a gay barafag for using K.K.Rool in SSBU who needs to be revenged on >Second is her depicting in annoyance on how she needs to work on her disgusting kirby smut fic >One on how much she hates her best friend to the point of spiking her medicine >One on how she wants to fuck on the church alter boys she volunteers with who is 5 >And an autistic rambling on how hot Kirby is and the therory of dick unity >And one paragraph of wondering how great having a dick would be
Should I be worried about this? Should I say something did I fail as her Big Brother? I genuinely feel she is going off the deep end. What did I do wrong to fuck her up this much???
>huuurrr duuuurrrr men are so dumb >hurrr everything men do is to impress women >men are obsessed with women lol >i cant use capital latters >my dad fingered me when i was 6 now i hate all men >le stupid scrots!
/r9k/, I come to you, not for advice or to ask for help, but to vent about something I absolutely can't tell anyone in my life right, because I feel I'll be (rightfully) pumped full of meds: I've been seeing a girlfriend. She hangs around my room, holds my arm and walks with me around town, sits by my side on the bus. Talks to me a lot.
Only problem is, she isn't real. I think I might've become schizophrenic. She looks just like the girl I crushed on in high school, and calls me the same affectionate nickname that girl did.
I'm a 23 years old KV, and lately the feeling of loneliness and lack of companionship, combined with the awful state of my relationship with my family had been taking a toll on me.
Last wednesday, I was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, when I suddenly felt someone creep up on me under the sheets. I umped from the bed and saw her there, dressed in a camisole.
>What's wrong? You scared me. Come back to bed.
I blinked and she was gone, but I swear to whichever god you believe in, she felt real, looked real, sounded real. Over the next few days, it kept happening.
I was making coffee, and suddenly she'd start talking to me about the news, and asking at which time I'd be back home. She just appeared there. It's hard to explain. One minute it's normal, and then it's like she was always there.
I tried to ignore it, but I decided to call in sick and stay home today. And she never left. Right now she's sitting on my bed, right behind me. She's not saying anything, but every once in a while she comes and gives me a hug.