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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 170

/CreativeGenral/ thread

No.52156025 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It has been a while since I saw a thread like this so I thought why not make one
Creative r9k anons show us what creative stuff you made: music, art crafts project or whatever
15 posts and 8 images omitted

No.52124718 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are married man so obsessed with sex. You married your wife to be a partner, not a live in prostitute, ready to serve you when you need it. Some women lose interest in sex. Simple as that. We women are not objects and YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SEX.
117 posts and 10 images omitted

Weekly Family Thread

!!32syqk0MKIo No.52044126 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post stories about your family or just talk about them.

Previous threads pastie
376 posts and 66 images omitted

No.51921115 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So i just bought new clothes, got a new haircut only to make new profile pics for only dating. Feel disgusted about myself now, 'cause all the work only for random roasties, like a little bitch cuck...

How is Chad actually represent himself online, without looking cringe during the process?

No.52073657 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it weird I'm not really attracted to butts? I've always seen them as something disgusting.
11 posts omitted

No.52062450 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's that time of the day
You've been forced out of your parents' barn and must make your own way as an adventurer in the quest for a gf and tendies. Roll for your class.
138 posts and 18 images omitted

No.52058137 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Join join join join.
There are no groups there is no group there are no groups there is no groups there are no groups.
If you're a loser incel pls join.
kang u 2.
4 posts and 1 image omitted

Weekly Family Thread

!!32syqk0MKIo No.52042047 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post cute stories about your family or just talk about them.

Also go tell them you love them today and post results.

Formerly karen/ anonette threads.
14 posts and 3 images omitted

No.51954032 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>1 page essay due in 7 days
>haven't even started it
12 posts and 7 images omitted

Weekly Family Thread

!!32syqk0MKIo No.51930531 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post stories about your family or just discuss them.

Also if you can hug them and/or tell them you love them and post results.

Previous threads
Formerly Karen/ Anonette threads
430 posts and 91 images omitted