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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 171

No.51772360 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your current sexual fantasy
>tfw no gf to chain to my bed and fuck relentlessly throughout the day
78 posts and 16 images omitted

No.51942052 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many fembots are actually real and how many are fake?

No.51893928 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
its so hard being a grill on omegle, baka
why are there guys skipping me, not giving me attention like wtf... i'm a grill, stop trying to make a name for yourslef by skipping. Not cool.

No.39240422 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I've been kicking around these thoughts for a while and I want to get them written down. This thread concerns the overall quality of 4chan and the way that conversation usually plays out. This started as a single post and ended up something like an essay so I humbly ask for your patience.

The first step to articulating an accurate appraisal of the quality of 4chan must come from moving past the pithy truisms of '4chan was always shit' or 'people were saying 4chan was bad when -I- got here'. So much of the conversation gets hung up here, but no meaningful discussion of where 4chan is at and where it came from can ever come from these cop outs. They serve only to cut the discussion off at the head. To lay down an ostensibly definitive answer without actually doing any thinking. These sayings aren't based on an examination of the changes that 4chan has undergone over the years, it's a reflexive response & a cheap way to flaunt meaningless pseudo-cred (and more often than not the people spouting them are just aping other posters)

If we throw away these worthless platitudes and acknowledge that change in quality on 4chan DOES happen; that old users leave and new users arrive, that moot has fiddled with the site, that the prevailing culture shifts (not only on 4chan itself but the entire internet), that moderators have influenced content with their actions, that boards CAN and DO organically experience periods of intense activity and creativity which eventually slows down, solidifies and disappears (i offer /a/, /b/, /sp/ and even /r9k/ as examples of this) and these are all responsible for fluctuations in quality, then we can start to have a substantial discussion on where 4chan is, has been and where it's headed. (Cont 1/11)
77 posts and 20 images omitted

No.51724627 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible for there to be a Virtual reality so realistic that you could fool someone into believing its their reality? but its illusion?
Could a government use such a device to shape the opinions and minds of those it fears?
1 post omitted

lithe and nubile thread

No.51822828 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post only girls who are lithe and nubile
54 posts and 19 images omitted

No.51815916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
do you guys satiate your ego and sexual urges with omegle fap sessions?

No.51740486 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Shall we start?
16 posts and 10 images omitted

No.51141496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How to spy on my neighbor?

I live next to a commie block (500yd ~ 500m) so I have access to plenty of material. In what equipment should I invest in?
10 posts and 3 images omitted

No.51660620 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>be me
>5'6 manlet
>no jawline, duck lips
>decide to grow beard
>turns out as pic related

I don't know how to cope at this point Anons
73 posts and 9 images omitted