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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 172
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bow down to the new queen faggots
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>>51466206 year whatever, but the last thread was up yesterday so thats why i posted it
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>>51466206 >>51466342 >>51466362 >A virgin that shamelessly posts nudes to strangers on the internet Even if she was a virgin by conventional standards, it wouldn't matter because she's not even pure or anything, and clearly not gives no fucks about preserving her body for anyone.
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She is the most beautiful woman in the universe!!!!
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Her nickname dab_lord now. And she is the best.
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Grow some balls and keep your chin up.
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>anon do u mind if i have the last french fries
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>>51599479 The real response
"y-yeah sure"
E T Lad
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>>51599347 Your titties are real big
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>>51599347 i do, now get the fuck out of my table and let me eat in peace
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>>51599347 Yes, but then we get to have sex and I play with your milkers, deal?
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reee no tendies no fries
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>he thinks his life here is "Hell" Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse. Your social awkwardness and retarded >tfw no gf woes won't matter when we all move on to the next plane.
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why was this thread shoa'd? fuck tranny jannies
visibly and audibly autistic girl that i see 4-5 times a week approached me the other day. introduced herself ecstatically, and ran away giggling and blushing when i told her it was nice to meet her. i have never felt so many mixed emotions at once. most of it was pity, i think- for both her and myself. would it be worth it to try and make this retard my bride? my main fear is that i lack the patience. fuck man, i don't think i'm capable of getting anything else. shit.
>>51377439 well beyond the cynicism that is crippling me I say good luck and once again, Godspeed anon.
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>>51377684 i will make it and so will you, bro. despite the fact that water is mostly plastic now and the poles of the earth are going to switch soon, resulting in another ice age we're all going to make it. i am going to get my degree in agricultural science and my new autistic wife will get hers in culinary arts and we are going to live forever.
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Op you are a good man, go fot it.
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>>51376274 Absolute fucking kek robro
Thats fucked and sad but go for it man, do you want to be laying on your death thinking "damn i wish i dated that autistic girl" ???
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>>51377684 weweweaeawdfawf
should i get a VPN? what do you guys even do with yours?
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>>51464697 I only use a VPN to torrent popular movies and games.
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If you wanna just try out one op, I recommend tunnelbear. Has a free trial and it's pretty cute desu
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try Private Internet Access.
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Yes, it is completely necessary for use on the Internet as a whole. VeePN provides excellent protection and anonymity, exactly what is needed in your case. So the choice is yours.
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desu watching romance anime makes me extremely sad and depressed knowing that i'll never get to experience the joy of having someone who loves you despite your flaws and having to enjoy high-school with friends doing fun activities, joining clubs etc.. and it's really heart breaking when realise it, anyone else can relate?
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>>51580966 Holy shit I thought I was the only one who saw this problem. Im sick of normies knowing about and watching anime. Like niggers and DBZ
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>>51580947 Mohawk and Long Hair with the excellent taste.
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>>51580300 Tomoko became a normalfag without knowing
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its the closest i can get and its worth it even when it is over
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https://discord =|+|=|750|=|+|=
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How do I become a shizo? Can I even become one?
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>>51575412 Schizo usually refers to schizophrenia, most people don't even know what Schizoid is and would think of schizophrenia if you told them you had Schizoid PD. Aren't Schizoids usually pretty content with being Schizoid anyways?
>>51578735 It shares the same symptoms tho, sensing things that aren't actually there
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>>51579764 still not schizo or mental illness though thats just what psychadelics do to you.
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not fun and never will be, you havbe it for life and it never goes away ever
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>>51579764 What do you mean by sensing thing's that aren't there? Like a spider crawling on you or an invisible extraterrestrial being sneaking up behind you kind of sensing?
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I'm killing myself tonight and wrote a letter saying that my ex boyfriend raped me to get back at him.
>>51584656 When your car breaks you take it to a mechanic for it to be fixed. When you get hurt, you go to a doc. If you dont have insurance for your shit youre not getting paid if other people fuck your shit up.
You could sue your ex for emotional and moral damage, just like you hire insurance to protect yourself.
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>>51584719 Dude what the fuck are you even talking about lol are you a retarded American neolib drone or some shit.
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>>51579752 Get over yourself you crazy retard. Also no one cared about your "don't abandon me anon" threads.
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https://discord/ =|+|=|912|=|+|=
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>meet BPD grill >she says everyone always leaves her for someone better >promise not to do that >she ghosts me and starts talking shit about me behind my back
Is controlling what your girlfriend wears a retarded move or actually based? Pic related
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>>51577848 >paid a lot for new dress with deep cleavage cut before going to uni event >bf looses his shit, I shouldn't wear it, blah, blah, blah >I remove it but take it with me to friends house, get ready there and go >ended up sucking a guy that complemented me on my dress after the event Literally, told my bf what happened the next afternoon after he was blowing my phone up all evening, night and day the little cunt
You want them to wear clothes? What's next? Are you gonna give them voting rights and equal pay? Fucking cucks
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>>51578387 And owning property and travel freely without a male family member present or driving? what is this world coming to
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You have to remember that them showing off their bodies is a subconscious decision and to most of them it's just fashion, with different levels of modesty being determined by the surrounding culture and subculture/s they're apart of. Also if they're consciously choosing to wear revealing clothing it might be for attention but not straight up cheating, it's an ego boast This doesn't mean every gf who wears slut clothing isn't a slut but the clothes alone aren't enough to know if you should leave her or not care
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>>51576644 >mfw my gf asks me if I think what she might wear is too slutty