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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 173

No.51560048 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/suicide general/
Chat about your feels regarding ending it and also think about if you really want to as its a serious choice.
It is sad to think some of us want to die....
I urge you all to exhaust all your other options...
>how long have you been suicidal?
>tips for resisting the urge?
>how would you do it
170 posts and 52 images omitted

No.51561814 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There are men on this board, age 30+, who...

>Have never kissed a girl
>Have never had sex
>Have never had a job
>Have $0 to their name
>Have never exercised or been to a gym
>Still live with their parents
>Cannot drive
46 posts and 13 images omitted

Fembot question time.

No.51559190 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
let's suppose hypothetically i got your mom pregnant would you be mad?
65 posts and 10 images omitted

No.51551016 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who is this anons? Any info on her? As far as I know she browses and posts here? Any info? Is she some slut?
35 posts and 2 images omitted

No.51555280 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"Hey, you, you wouldn't mind letting me free? I really, really need to pee."
44 posts and 6 images omitted

No.51544036 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone know some methods for getting rid of a cold quickly? Am not comfy right now

No.51537017 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Give me your Discord tag NOW!
10 posts omitted

No.51531300 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is this what a fembot/femcel looks like?
I'm genuinely curious.

Since a lot of "fembots" in here are just larpers, I checked out "true femcels" on leddit to further investigate.

A lot of those girls complain they are too ugly for everything, etc.
As all incels, I'm sure they over exaggerate and their low self-esteem plays in.

So I'm wondering, is pic related what an average fembot/femcel might look like?
123 posts and 20 images omitted

/r9gay/ - #653

No.51522387 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
bf goals edition

Last thread: >>51509205
516 posts and 103 images omitted

Help My Little Sister Is A Autistic Degenerate.

No.49763575 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I just learned my little sister might be an autistic sociopath who wants her best friend dead and maybe a sick fuck pedo.
>Be me
>Little sister [13] borrowed my flash drive for a project
>Forgot to give me the flash so i just go up to her room to get it
>her computer was open and some weeb music was playing in the background however a folder with a bunch of txt documents labeled Diary[date/time] are in the folder
>Curious I decided to copy the latest one to my flash drive
>Now for background my sister has always been a little weird but is extremely nice to make up for it she cute too. Sometimes she gets a little too into her emotions. And is an autistic Kirby-fag
>Take my flashdrive and boot it up on my lap-top and decide to read the cute stuff my sister might write.
>Its not cute.
>Its autistic hateful ramblings.
>One on how I am a gay barafag for using K.K.Rool in SSBU who needs to be revenged on
>Second is her depicting in annoyance on how she needs to work on her disgusting kirby smut fic
>One on how much she hates her best friend to the point of spiking her medicine
>One on how she wants to fuck on the church alter boys she volunteers with who is 5
>And an autistic rambling on how hot Kirby is and the therory of dick unity
>And one paragraph of wondering how great having a dick would be

Should I be worried about this? Should I say something did I fail as her Big Brother? I genuinely feel she is going off the deep end.
What did I do wrong to fuck her up this much???

I will post the file it's a text file
478 posts and 61 images omitted