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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 174

ITT we pretend we're from lolcow

No.51107885 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>huuurrr duuuurrrr men are so dumb
>hurrr everything men do is to impress women
>men are obsessed with women lol
>i cant use capital latters
>my dad fingered me when i was 6 now i hate all men
>le stupid scrots!
17 posts omitted

!!32syqk0MKIo No.51378570 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Weekly Karen, Anonette, and family stories thread.

453 posts and 121 images omitted

!!32syqk0MKIo No.51260229 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sunday Karen, Anonette, and family stories thread.

Post cute stories or hug them and post results.

Previous threads
485 posts and 110 images omitted

There's an imaginary girl in my room. Am I going fucking crazy

No.28689601 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/r9k/, I come to you, not for advice or to ask for help, but to vent about something I absolutely can't tell anyone in my life right, because I feel I'll be (rightfully) pumped full of meds: I've been seeing a girlfriend. She hangs around my room, holds my arm and walks with me around town, sits by my side on the bus. Talks to me a lot.

Only problem is, she isn't real. I think I might've become schizophrenic. She looks just like the girl I crushed on in high school, and calls me the same affectionate nickname that girl did.

I'm a 23 years old KV, and lately the feeling of loneliness and lack of companionship, combined with the awful state of my relationship with my family had been taking a toll on me.

Last wednesday, I was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, when I suddenly felt someone creep up on me under the sheets. I umped from the bed and saw her there, dressed in a camisole.

>What's wrong? You scared me. Come back to bed.

I blinked and she was gone, but I swear to whichever god you believe in, she felt real, looked real, sounded real. Over the next few days, it kept happening.

I was making coffee, and suddenly she'd start talking to me about the news, and asking at which time I'd be back home. She just appeared there. It's hard to explain. One minute it's normal, and then it's like she was always there.

I tried to ignore it, but I decided to call in sick and stay home today. And she never left. Right now she's sitting on my bed, right behind me. She's not saying anything, but every once in a while she comes and gives me a hug.

I can feel her fucking hair.

I guess this is too long, I'll continue it below
202 posts and 17 images omitted

No.51245587 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
To what characters Elliot related in Game of Thrones?
12 posts and 2 images omitted

No.51242108 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.33494411 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>random guy joins my discord
>ask him who he is
>starts to beat around the bush and act like a sperg
>ban him
Post stories of autistic things you've dealt with
20 posts and 5 images omitted

No.51183376 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Humans shouldn't be allowed to have sex or own an electronic device until after they turn 25. Fucking, kissing, hugging, holding hands should be illegal in public areas. Drinking alcohol should only be done by men who have a license to drink. Smoking anything is completely outlawed. Wearing graphic T-shirts or anything that makes you look subhuman is completely illegal in public areas (clothes that cover your whole body and do not accentuate provocative areas on the body... ). If you need clothing then the government will supply it to you. Anyone who is found guilty breaking these laws will instantly get the death penalty. Not a proper death sentence, a bullet to your fucking forehead while being tied down on the street for all to see. It teaches people to NOT BREAK THE FUCKING LAW or they will be next.
10 posts omitted

No.51136342 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just a reminder that unless she called you daddy she never really loved you
4 posts omitted

No.51130448 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Please suggest me some good music. Don't suggest normie shit like ariana grande or drake.
149 posts and 45 images omitted