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I'll tell you why men are fucking worthless Because they're tools. Literally. They're the cattle class of the human race their only value being their strength. Sure, an ox is stronger than you in every way. But would you ever respect an ox? Think of it as superior? Of course not, ridiculous. The cattle is only there to work itself down to the bone in service to its masters.
And that's what men are for. To die and sacrifice themselves for the sake of a woman's safety and well being, be it at work or in war That's all they can do, God knows they're worthless for emotional support, or for raising children, or even making children in the first place. That's why men are traditionally held outside of the house: at work, or in their sheds, working. You wouldn't let a farm aninal into your house, now would you?
A woman is like a beautiful work of art valuable and precious. A man is like a crude hammer: to be thrown away once it's broken.
And there's no need to pity, or god forbid, respect them for ther sacrifices. It's simply their nature and purpose to go out and ruin their bodies and minds to ensure the survival of the species, and the safety of us women and our children. That's the part that MRAS and incels don't get: they think it's a great injustice that men experience less love, that they do all the hardest and dangerous jobs that they commit more suicides, that they get left behind, abandoned or sacrificed first thing during a war or a catastrophe. But it is not injustice, it is exactly how it's meant to be: God created them worthless, and that's their fate.
The only man I'd consider "good" is one who accepts this, and accepts his responsibility and purpose. And by "good", I mean good in the way a car is good when it does its job well and doesn't require maintenance. Men can't be good" in a moral sense, because they're barely even human.
What feminists hacks want to do is simple. Their ultimate goal is to dominate and humiliate men. To do this, they need to justify interventions into our private affairs. Feminism is not, properly speaking, a political movement. There are no policies that are the definite and concrete embodiment it's goals. What these people want is to police our manners, behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs. They want to weaken men's sense of self, weaken their sense of power.
Sex is complicated enough. Men have a lot of uncertainty about how it happens and what is expected of them. Feminists exploit this by using media to spread rape hysteria. Or they use it to describe male behavior as "toxic." Or they invent ever more trivial complaints about the minutiae of what is considered "male-typical behavior." The point is to confuse and demoralize men. To make interactions with women even more confusing, difficult, and miserable.
So what happens? Think about this. Out of a population of almost half a billion, two or three guys snap and kill a couple people. Now they have what they need to justify a war on men. Ignore the millions of men exist simply exist in quiet desperation.
I hate feminists so much. They are the scum of the earth. And they are pushing this country toward war. Most men won't kill. But that frustration and anger (from being humiliated at the hands of women) isn't going anywhere. Men might bury it, ignore it, or mind-fuck themselves into believing that they themselves are the problem, but one way or another it's going to find expression. Women are going to pay the price, in ways both subtle and overt.
Sex is not a trivial affair. And these feminists cunts are playing a dangerous game. I wouldn't mind seeing these disgusting hags dragged out into the street and shot like the dogs they are. It's quickly coming to that point anyway.
It is literally not possible to make friends as an adult. It isn't possible. If you don't already have a social circle in your 20s, you will never have friends and you will never be loved.