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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
ITT: ANXIETY BREAD >have weird faggot neighbour >tfw Mother probably has anxiety and other mental illnesses. >tfw I probably have some too >shes convinced the neighbour is spying on us with hidden cameras and the likes >shes dead serious and tries to hide it >I'm getting concerned shes right (most likely not) >tell her in a lod voice hat if shes right I'm gonna behead him (faggy neighbour) >dissect the firealarm in my room in case of camera >nothinghere.gif >tfw still concerned she may actually be right and that my obviously not normal neighbour have hundreds of videos of me fapping to all sorts of weird stuff and putting a banana up me bum
Been online for almost two decades and the internet is just not the place I used to find solace in. You had to be a nerd or somewhat of a weirdo to spend time playing online games or participate in online communities in 1998-2004. The normalization and popularization of the internet has practically killed the only social outlet I've had. It was the only place for me to escape the world. Now I have nothing. I feel so alone and so jaded.
Hey guys! If any of you remember from last night this is the sophiastory dude. I'm ready to fire up another greentext, so lets get this shit rolling. I'll be getting a lot more into the context behind year 10 in this one.
>be me >14, year 9. about 8 or so years ago >first day.jpeg >have no friends going into high school, transferred into a massive new school >know absolutely no one, and proceed to find a corner and chill out >loud, fuckoff electronic bell rings >1st period? >oh where the fuck is my schedule >panicmode engage >don't know anyone, can't find out where I am in the school >end up being 10-20 minutes late >off to a great start already >get a militant asshole of a PE teacher >I can hear everyone already casting bets that she's a lesbian >wouldn't be shocked >before that, she screams at me like some drill sargent to sit down and line up >period finally ends and I wander over to English with temporary sched I got from the office >actually know someone in the class and have a little convo >bell rings and a our English teacher begins to talk for a bit >class passes by in no time >now, time for the hotbed >biology >actually looking forward to this class since I'm a biofag and genuinely enjoy shit like virology >find a seat when I get there >INSTANTLY COLD >why is this room freezing? are the chairs fucking refrigerated? >everyone is visibly freezing >absolute hulk of a woman barrels into the fucking bio class >starts talking about bio course and the activities we'll be doing >why are you screaming? is this your normal talking voice? now how about we meet the Sophia of this story? >meet lain continue?
I hate my face so fucking much, it's extremely unmasculine and nobody respects me or likes me. I look like a child in the worst way possible, I can't fucking breathe right and constantly having to force my mouth shut is fucking work everyday.
Fuck it all my brothers turned out so handsome and here I am an ugly little fuck that will never win, fuck them all they did was torment me and they still win. Women think they're hot and I'm only good for slave labor. This is why people shoot up schools. Fuck everything fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckaipshfpai;sdhf