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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 18

/BioFem/ - General #7

No.77028627 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Stacy edition.

Previous thread: >>77019708

Ignore impolite moids

>Are you a Stacy?
>Would you switch places with a Stacy?
>Have you been bullied by Stacy?
>Did you ever form part of a group of stacies?
>what's peak humor?
>what did you answer in the trolley question?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. go to wizchan if you want a male safe space.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
We can't stop you, but if you wish to engage politely, always sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not >>>/ATOGA/
545 posts and 78 images omitted

No.67894402 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>ugly ass deformed face
>bad posture
>thin neck
>skinny fat body
>small dick
>hard flaccid syndrome
>mentally ill
>low iq
>tiny scrawny frame
>tiny hands
>high voice

Anyone here think theyre worse than me? Its like im on ultra mega nightmare mode

No.77022613 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Slang only you or local friends used thread. Mine was "book niggers!" In context it meant run fast and split. Me and my friends sold drugs and ran from junkies and cops in a lower middle class town. What did you use?

No.76525663 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fellas, is it gay if I fantasize about having gay sex
7 posts omitted

No.71626382 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Roasties are already writing love letters to the Idaho killer. He was a militant vegan and Croatian. and had thousands of hours on DOTA LOL.
20 posts and 2 images omitted


No.76933667 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Class 66 66623 edition
467 posts and 108 images omitted

No.76910002 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Most statements are obligatory rather than factual.
3 posts omitted

!7SyJhyCgN6 No.17837179 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw no bf
41 posts and 17 images omitted