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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 180

No.35664318 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Want to get my boipussy pounded
>Afraid of rejection
239 posts and 47 images omitted

No.41614078 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>the cancer has metastasised to my lungs

Well. It was a alright 19 years I guess. I want to cry and scream but I just feel kinda numb, like nothing is real and I'm going to wake up fine tomorrow. But I'm not.

Thanks for being my friends when no one else would.
129 posts and 32 images omitted

I have a choco trap in my school, how do I finish him?

No.49698249 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have a choco trap in my school, been grooming him for a while but he's hesitant, how do I finish him?

>Be me, normie-passing
>Go to beautiful and diverse multicultural school
>By that I mean a lot of black, hispanic, and white kids getting bad grades and yelling at teachers in peace and harmony
>Have this quiet black boy in class
>Anti-social, single mom, pretty skinny, decent androgynous hair, listens to anime and game music, complete package
>Takes a sneak peek here and there to make sure I'm not making a mistake
>Doesn't have any friends but isn't too much of a virgin either
>Sometimes gets mocked by the Tyrones, Rodrigos and Chads of our class for being short and speaking too quietly
>Target Acquired
>Decide to be his friend
>Check out his weeaboo
>It's mostly normie garbage like Megaman, Attack on Titan and Re:Zero but he likes to spend time in forums and theorize a lot, has potential
>I pretend not to have seen Re:Zero when he shows me and pretend that I believe Felix is a really cute girl
>He gives me a chuckle & Knuckles
>(Silently remind myself to bully him for being such a normie later)
>Show him anime with subtle trap influence (xxxHolic, Turn a Gundam, Hackadoll, throw in a few regular suggestions like Cowboy Bebop to keep it under the radar)
>Some days later I start commenting at his lack of firmness (manliness)
>"Hey anon I'm not like that come on"
>I just keep pressing him and then say "It's all good if you're not manly bro, you're just different, it's all alright"

In our school there have been some gender classes here and there recently and I think with how he acts in them he's starting to consider it. I just need a few pushes to get him to crossdress and take estrogen. He's basically a girl already, what do I do next?
12 posts and 1 image omitted

No.49878005 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your beautiful computer desktop.
84 posts and 40 images omitted

No.49843062 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>14yo britfag
>gotta do a group project over a week before school ends for the summer
>end up with a group of chads
>we split up the work between us
>2 of the chads live on the same street as me
>dm them about project halfway into the week (we made an insta chat for it)
>none of them responds
>wait a couple hours
>one reply
>yeah we're doing it anon
>x to doubt
>look out window
>what do you know, they're all playing fortnite
>decide to do my part and wait for the end of the week
>tell teacher on the hand-in day that the chads did nothing
>chads come in with all their work done
>it's better than mine
>get detention for lying


No.49834048 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Foot-Fag General


Any robot get to lick a girl's feet?
173 posts and 100 images omitted

No.49791521 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
femcels don't exi-
118 posts and 5 images omitted

/r9gay/ - #532

No.49744580 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Luke Skywalker edition

Last thread: >>49727697
514 posts and 110 images omitted

1000 Replies!

No.49603899 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If this thread gets 1000 replies we all get girlfriends.GO!
1226 posts and 150 images omitted