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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 182

anya nudes

No.47773379 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone have the leaked nudes for @siccubus?

anya thread

No.47703283 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is anya so perfect
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No.48668530 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
some people are born too cute for this world.
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No.48949202 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>black guy goes to jail for 15 years for fucking an underage girl, 13 years old
>he gets out of prison at 37 years old
>starts dating and fucking a 24 year old white college student, obviously he doesn't have a job or any education
>he meets another 21 year old college girl, who is a semi-professional athlete and a straight A student
>they start fucking
>black guy gets another friend of the first girl pregnant
>has the 24 year old girl drive him around to fuck the athlete girl
>athlete girl finds out he was in jail for being a pedo
>wants to break up
>black guy blackmails her by threatening to release the numerous pictures and videos he has of her worshiping him
>they fuck for months
>she threatens to leave him because she can't take the abuse anymore
>black guy has first girl drive him to athlete girls house, he fucks athlete girl for hours and then kills her
>has first girl come pick him up and they have sex after

All the women involved were college educated, white, and from Utah. The parents of the girl that was killed pushed their daughter to racemix and actually apologized to her killer because he's being discriminated by police because he's black.

I want every white bot here to understand that you are a virgin loser robot because you are white. A 37 year old nigger felon fresh from jail fucked dozens of women and got one pregnant and killed another one while you can't even get a date. This is the modern woman. Accept it.

To the women here, explain this. Explain this behavior. Why would young, college educated white women date and fuck a 37 year old ex-felon, jobless pedo but refuse to talk to robots? The answer is because ALL women are whores.
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Why dont you have a dakki?

No.48903839 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why dont you have a anime body pillow?
>cute anime girl to cuddle
>actually a legit night time sleep aid, you wont sleep without one
>cute anime girl to cuddle
>feels great to hug and think of your waifu
Why dont you have one?

Your family cares 100X less than you think they would
17 posts and 2 images omitted

ITT: Music/Songs thread

No.48898315 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post music that makes you feel comfy, sad, depressed, cheer you up, alone, eerie feels, despair, cozyness, isolated, etc..

I'll start with a song i liked from a previous thread:
118 posts and 40 images omitted

No.48840925 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Omegle? Please?
4 posts omitted


No.48794246 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/friday night britfeel party edition sponsored by watermelon bacardi breezer/
512 posts and 76 images omitted

No.48743350 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am the sauce boss.
I can find the source of anything 2D, even heavily obscured like pic related. Come to me, children, and learn my ways.
150 posts and 60 images omitted

No.48748066 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Some Ukrainian anon killed 18 students. 70+ are injured. He was really into the Columbine
Its happening.
116 posts and 21 images omitted