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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 44

No.73041160 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>femcel adds incel online
>both self described "unlovable and ugly"
>incel falls for femcel
>femcel does not reciprocate

bahahhaahaha. can someone tell me why i should take "femcels" serious again?
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No.73036311 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
it just started raining
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No.69834093 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What zodiac sign has the most incels?
I am Pisces and I never had a gf
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No.72882944 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post omitted

No.72786968 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
2 posts omitted


No.72775898 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello sirs. Are you ready for the most tantalizing, aids-enducing, itchy-cock causing events of our century?
WELL GOOD, HEAD ON OVER TO ANTI.LGBT. TOMORROW, SYSTEMSPACE RELAUNCHES, BETTER THAN EVER! BIGGEST EVENT SINCE THE FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Bring your kids, bring your wives (for me to FUCK) and witness the second coming of Jesu- I mean Leonard Leijenhorst! HE HAS RISEN. ALL KNEES SHALL BEND ON THE DAY OF OUR LORD. don't be late, and wear rainbow outfits because tsuki has hinted he may come out as gay tomorrow. fresh virgin blood ONLY please.

No.72810351 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I fucking hate people. Especially when they gather around and make noise. But i hate them less when theyre just a few. Why is that? Is it cause my brain thinks theyre a threat when their numbers grow and my body has an innate self-defense reaction? I hate this feeling. Anyways, hows it going, Anons? Theres like a pink-pilled invasion in this board lately, huh? Reposted this since i abandoned my previous thread and felt bad
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No.70254508 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
how i finally got my chad after years of femcelling:
>many trials
>many errors
>a lot of learning from the errors
mostly just taking things very slow, slower than he says he is ready for, and valuing his feelings highly
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No.70773386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The age of consent was raised from 10 to 16 because of bitter old feminist hags who couldn't compete with prime JB. "Child sexual abuse" is a pseudoscience invented by Jewish feminists (Judianne Densen-Gerber and Lawrence Pazder). It's an irrational moral panic with no evidence to support it, just like the Holocaust.

Consensually engaging in something enjoyable is not harmful in the slightest. Kids think sex is awesome and fun. Why is /r9k/ so bluepilled when it comes to this topic?

No.72080843 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I still can't believe that chad cummed inside iris and has done BDSM stuff to her while I stare at the computer looking at iris selfies and stroking my cock. I am such a weak cuck. Please comeback iris I will pay you money.
239 posts and 65 images omitted