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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 44
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>femcel adds incel online >both self described "unlovable and ugly" >incel falls for femcel >femcel does not reciprocate bahahhaahaha. can someone tell me why i should take "femcels" serious again?
>>73042110 >if i add a random dipshit from 4chan or somewhere just to fuck around in my freetime, i dont have a moral obligation to tell them if im done talking to them Problem is that people here aren't just fucking around. It is not the same as adding someone from xbox because the context is different. People genuinely want to be your friend and be nice to you, and you treat them like a disposable tool.
>except you want random girls online that you add specifically just to get nudes to apply the same empathy to you. That's not even what most people here do and you know it. You're just using it as an excuse to justify your behaviour.
>>73042412 ah yes the super serious anime imageboard where you find your soulmate, fuck off dumbfuck. also i dont ghost people, im not female, im just arguing in opposition to your cringe take where you think people are morally justified because you think r9k is like linkedin or a professional dating app or something
>>73042445 >ah yes the super serious anime imageboard where you find your soulmate, fuck off dumbfuck. Are you just pretending to be dumb? I hope so.
>im just arguing in opposition to your cringe take where you think people are morally justified because you think r9k is like linkedin or a professional dating app or something You're arguing against social reciprocation
>>73042474 people have the option to explain why they are going to ghost somebody if they feel like explaining it, but some people also dont care that much and just trim off and clean their friends lists and dont want a bunch of random people on their accounts. whichever they decide to do is their protocol. they dont owe you anything. i dont care about "social reciprocation" whatever the fuck that means. its a sad day when 4chan incels appeal to lefty twitter speak to justify their arguments
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>>73042515 I mean, you're right in that people can be as nasty as they want, but why are you blaming people for not wanting nasty people?
>muh left Obsessed.
it just started raining
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is this thing on?
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>>73036714 yeah [s4s] is really the closest thing to ancient 4chan. /b/ was never quite like [s4s] (it had a lot more intentionally edgy offensive stuff) but the overall atmosphere was similar. it really was random shit rather than nonstop politics and porn
>>73036311 accidentally doxxed yourself. started raining here an hour ago also. i now know where you live
>>73036985 what timezone nigger?
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>>73037009 bst/gmt. bri'ish timezome. dunno which one
What zodiac sign has the most incels? I am Pisces and I never had a gf
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libra here everyone always says libras are all gigachads with 100 charisma, but i'm ugly as fuck and literally autistic zodiac is BULLSHIT
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>>69837211 Why is that dude? redpill me on it
Desolation !!tAEVbuhPmtK
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>>69834093 Actual Chads who chose path of perfection and virginity report in.
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>>69834093 also pisces and khv
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>>69834117 I'm libra too, the threads on /x/ said our sign is shit so...
Ironically enough I easily get worked up or feel like shit, not balanced at all
>>72883403 this
at least setup a private torrent tracker or something so it feels like there is something more to being part of the site than edgy discord chatting
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>>72882944 Nice spam, faggot
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>Another lain-themed website Fuck off
>>72882944 Is this SystemSpace 2.0?
>still have yet to be unlinked when Tsuki first csme on /r9k/ >even still habe my old picture from the first thread to "identify" and "linked" myself for server transfer Just transfer me already, Tsuki!
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>>72787090 There has been a delay in the system due to excessive semen clogging the pipes. But rest assured the system is perfect and will never fail.
Join the Discord if you would like technical support, we are available 24/7 for diagnostics
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bumperino bumpsterz
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tsuki prophet
Hello sirs. Are you ready for the most tantalizing, aids-enducing, itchy-cock causing events of our century? WELL GOOD, HEAD ON OVER TO ANTI.LGBT. TOMORROW, SYSTEMSPACE RELAUNCHES, BETTER THAN EVER! BIGGEST EVENT SINCE THE FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Bring your kids, bring your wives (for me to FUCK) and witness the second coming of Jesu- I mean Leonard Leijenhorst! HE HAS RISEN. ALL KNEES SHALL BEND ON THE DAY OF OUR LORD. don't be late, and wear rainbow outfits because tsuki has hinted he may come out as gay tomorrow. fresh virgin blood ONLY please.
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>>72775898 >Are you ready for the most tantalizing, aids-enducing, itchy-cock causing events of our century? Oh buddy. You don't even Know how ready I am
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>>72775898 Shatter yourself.
I fucking hate people. Especially when they gather around and make noise. But i hate them less when theyre just a few. Why is that? Is it cause my brain thinks theyre a threat when their numbers grow and my body has an innate self-defense reaction? I hate this feeling. Anyways, hows it going, Anons? Theres like a pink-pilled invasion in this board lately, huh? Reposted this since i abandoned my previous thread and felt bad
>>72812431 Its not about about posting, retard. Its about them existing and makinh noise. Did you read my post? Or did you forget to indicate the reply to one of the anons here?
>>72812490 So posting isn't posting if girls do it? Got it schizo-kun
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>>72812626 Oh, about the pink-pilled stuff. Ok. Didnt really complained about them, just mentioning that its there
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>>72810351 Well, a group of people is certainly more threatening than one person. I think it makes sense
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>>72810351 I see someone has a black boyfriend
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how i finally got my chad after years of femcelling:>many trials >many errors >a lot of learning from the errors mostly just taking things very slow, slower than he says he is ready for, and valuing his feelings highly
>>70255398 it has improved since he entered my life so much. i had a rope hanging up that i was testing out before he wanted to date me. i had nothing.
>>70255406 He's finna cheat on you kek
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>>70255414 :(
i really doubt it
he is deeply in love
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>>70255115 look at this retard. point and laugh at him. dumbass.
ENTJ !!hhPNe+pLeBf
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>>70255406 I remember when I once young and innocent like you, I hated myself back then
The age of consent was raised from 10 to 16 because of bitter old feminist hags who couldn't compete with prime JB. "Child sexual abuse" is a pseudoscience invented by Jewish feminists (Judianne Densen-Gerber and Lawrence Pazder). It's an irrational moral panic with no evidence to support it, just like the Holocaust. Consensually engaging in something enjoyable is not harmful in the slightest. Kids think sex is awesome and fun. Why is /r9k/ so bluepilled when it comes to this topic?
>>70773386 >kids think sex is awesome and fun No they dont. 10 year olds dont want cock.
Kys pedo cave maggot.
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>>70773396 >10 year olds dont want cock. Gay 10 year old boys and straight 10 year old girls absolutely do, and straight 10 year old boys like adult women. You were psyopped into thinking children are asexual by feminists.
>Kys pedo cave maggot. After you, tranny.
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Kill yourself faggot
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I still can't believe that chad cummed inside iris and has done BDSM stuff to her while I stare at the computer looking at iris selfies and stroking my cock. I am such a weak cuck. Please comeback iris I will pay you money.
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>>72088263 Yup she's your girl buddy
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Iris is ugly, void is a faggot, vore is a whore, enjeet is an annoying faggot Fuck your stupid ass discord drama shit, even if the claims of iris were fake it would be preferable if we just pretended they were real so all of you retarded anons stop giving a fuck about all of these ATTENTION WHORES
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>>72084236 >if i'm not busy >and if i want to >and when its your bday You are one dumb fucking retard.
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>>72081625 You are a horrible person and a fake friend Keliyah
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>>72085066 I made this post and I am definitely not vore.