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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 46

No.70989995 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
For the rest of my life I am and will remain a virgin till death.
Not something I choose just reality.
For me there is bo female other.
27, no job, no status, no money and living at home with my parents.

Fembot and Robot Friendship Thread

No.70988970 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is there so much hatred between fembots and robots? We should be friends. Are there any fembots who like robots and robots who like fembots?
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No.70989707 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i wish i was just another suburban normie who gets a good job.

everyone on reddit looks and sounds so happy compared to me. normal parents, nice house, friends, laughter.

i never get any of that.
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Internet addiction

No.70989756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is anyone an internet addict?

>Been watching porn since 11
>Used omegle since i was 12 for social interaction cause only child and no friends
>Started using 4chan since i was 14

Born on 2000 btw, what about you guys?
I do not have any social media at all. Like zero.
Unless you count 4chan as social media
I'm chronically online

I used to smoke weed and walk/bike 5+ hours a day but i stopped doing that and i'm back to being an internet addict.

I don't go for walks anymore cause i'm very depressed
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No.70989577 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>not gay
>straight natsoc white individual
>meet some femboy on a game
>he gives me his discord bc im roasting the fuck outta him
>not gay but the way he talks makes me horny
>uwu ;w; owo type shit
>he sents me a photo of his cock and ass
>get super fucking horny
>give him my snap
>i then send him videos and photos of me double fingering my ass like crazy
>he says that he wants to fuck my hole until its left dripping in cum
>says that i have a beautiful ass
>do it until i handless cum
>biggest nut shit shot up like 10 feet in the air
>post nut clarity hits like a bitch
I'm not gay, but what the fuck do I do? It made me feel all warm and cutesy inside but I'm straight. What do I do?
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No.70989678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that incels are right about women.

No.70989582 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do normalfags subconsciously believe in the blackpill? I mean it makes sense to me
>View relationships as a competition and market instead of finding someone they truly love
>Often times backstab each other for personal gain, everything is conditional
>Extremely narcissistic and tey to make themselves appear as good as possible (without actually being good)
>Socially gang up on those who aren't like them to strengthen group cohesion
>Act mean towards people with traits like social awkwardness and ugliness
So on and so on. Will they ever admit to it? I remember being astounded and disgusted by events which I observed being done by normalfags. But now I'm too tired and desensitized to their actions.

Femcels can't exist and it's over for men

No.70986835 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A 3/10 (pic) got laid and lusted after by ten different successful men (that we know about, probably more) and she's not even 30. I have a graduate education, meet the six feet, six inches, six figures criteria, and barely have 1/3rd of her actual count not for lack of trying either. The price of pussy is too high. And if you're complaining as a woman about how you can't get a boyfriend, shut the fuck up. If Caroline can, so can you. It's over for the average man in comparison.
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No.70989088 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i dont want to exist anymore. Shouldve gone through with it when i was 15. Honestly i held out with some hope but nothing ever works out for me.
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No.70985377 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
does size actually matter? will the guy with the tiny dick really have lower chances of reproducing?
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