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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 49

What's up with wizchan?

No.68935726 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be posting on wizchan for the past year or so
>get called a "crab"(incel basically) or a "chud" every time I post about holding non far leftist views on the politics threads
>got banned for calling out a tranny who was promoting the castration of wizards "in pursuit of non carnal goals"
>got called a "crab" for saying that having a sex drive and desiring women is completely normal
>go to the old steam wizchan community
>see 2 unironic trannies, one is wearing a wig and makeup in his pfp
>tfw it all makes sense now
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Who is this guy??

No.71496594 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Like, is this a marketing stunt? And they're trying to advertise this on 4chan??? Out of all places??
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Gigachad voice training?

No.68419535 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you make your voice sound more manly?
1 post omitted

No.12200883 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be at a party
>Enjoying yourself
>The girls have all taken their shoes in an upstairs room
>Walk upstairs to use the bathroom
>Walk into shoe room by accident
>see this guy sniffing your girlfriends shoes

wat do
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Your opinions on other boards you visit

No.3367363 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start off-

Probably the most autistic board on the website. They circle jerk to their gear, throw shit at people with different gear, and decent photos are often bombed to hell by them nitpicking some insignificant technical aspect
One of my favorite boards besides this one. Discussion is usual very good, but the major problem is threads are derailed incredibly easy, especially with weaboo calling shitfests if someone posts an anime picture.
Most bro tier board. We're sadly stereotyped as retarded rednecks, and we get a lot of shit posting from other boards putting out stupid arguments and then talking about how mad we are and how hard we got trolled.
It's still b2.0. That being said, it has a special place in my heart, even though /vg/ is 1000 time better for vidya discussion. I always though dubs threads were funny as long as they didn't derail actual OT discussion
NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER JEW JEW JEW JEW ILLUMINATI JIDF. I'm just glad the board got put back because these shitheads flooded /k/ while it was gone.
Love them. They turned me into someone who actually knows how to dress, before lurking there I was honestly a walking /r9k/ sterotype.

Your turn, all opinions welcome, it'd be really nice if we could get some on lesser visited boards.

No.71431074 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wait, you guys are actually racist? I thought it was just a joke.
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vacation recommendation

No.71144639 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can anyone recommend a safe destination with a tourist to opiate pipeline? not a fiend, just want to exit earth. any assistance would be greatly appreciated
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tsuki proj

No.71411701 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone here remember systemspace / the tsuki project?

No.71357075 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just want to be a cute girl... I'd happily trade all the progress I've made in this life and everyone I've ever known to be something like this.
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Fucked a femboy.

No.70900161 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
tl;dr - femboy co-worker has been flirting with me. Asked them on a date and spent the weekend fucking them.

Just wanted to post about this weekend. I'm the medical anon with the femboy co-worker.
>work with femboy co-worker for a year now.
>They're 18 I'm 31
>I'm 6'3" wide shouldered 7.5 inch dick but a complete spreg. They are about 5'5" and slim
>I've filled their prescription for them so I know they are on estradiol
>Very cute, shoulder length hair, comes to work in a skirt some times and has baby smooth legs
>did shit like "omg anon I never realised how big your hands are" and put their palm against mine
>Haven't jerked for a week before NNN because too stressed with work. Started getting rock hard boners around them
>They came up and rested their head on my shoulder saying "anon I'm bored, I want something to do"
>Boner bursting from my pants at this point. I just think fuck it.
>"Then why don't we catch a movie this weekend and we can hang at my place after"
>They seemed really happy at that
>Me being a sperg am panicking because I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.
>Saturday we met to go to the cinema. We went to see bullet train.
>They came in a cute little black skirt and a baggy pink hoodie
>I bought the tickets and while the guy was getting the popcorn they linked my arm and said "thanks anon" and held on while we went to our seat
>We watched the movie reclined on the seats and they started cuddling up to me. We spoke a bit and they said they were surprised because they didn't think I was into them. That they'd never been with a guy and were really nervous
>I was truthful and said I'd never been with a guy either(they are a femboy, not trans, they just take the estradiol to look girly)
>They snuggled into me more after that

Will carry on the story in a moment. AMA I guess and yes I know this makes me a huge faggot.
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