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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 55

No.69185134 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am an atheist wanting to join a religion. Which one should I choose? If you are religious, why and how did you choose your religion?
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She's alive right? Right??

No.70262684 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Eliza Ciara Horan...
1 post omitted

No.70228159 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine this being the perfect immortal Nazi (male or female etc) that has the power to vore anyone.


Tsuki/Systemspace Thread

!/ADEBNclVw No.35592705 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey guys! I've seen a lot of misinformation posted here recently claiming that Tsuki is evil/inhuman/whatever. This is obviously incorrect! We all know that Tsuki is a __________qt__________!

But anyway, we'd absolutely LOVE to have you join us! And I'd be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.~

We need (need) more qt humans to sign up!
171 posts and 38 images omitted

No.70183642 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
who is the second best girl from r9k? The first is ciara
22 posts and 19 images omitted

No.34241715 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>daydream world is convincing you it's real

>i don't even know anymore

i want to give in
i'd love to give in

How was the first time a girl rejected you?

No.70168790 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>10 year old
>like this girl since i was 9
>sit besides her
>we are nice friends
>our moms meet at walmart and they plan a meeting
>meeting happens
>before they leave she asks me to go to a private place
>"anon... i like you"
>*school starts *
>my class starts to force everyone to tell their crush
>if you dont do it you are socially rejected
>*my turn * "Bianni i .... i like you"
>"sorry anon i just see you as a friend"

3 years after that i got to know she told me she liked me because it was a challenge her friends did.
I also got to know 6 years after it she got pregnat
Get rekt bianni fucking whore
4 posts omitted

No.70140542 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post blacked images of your white female pol queen influencer, or images of blacked tomboys these guys get butthurt for showing them that their women are chad/Tyrone's only.
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Robot dog

No.70161021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm turning 28, bros.
>no gf
I'm basically the equivalent of a cat lady at this point but I don't like cats. So I'm thinking about getting a dog. I'm leaning towards a lab but idk. What breed of dog do you have and what is the robot dog of choice?

No.49514078 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What about Lain draws in so many pseudo-intellectual brainlets?
Why are they all such Tumblr-tier and seem to be all newfags like they unironically came from there or even plebbit.
Why is Lain also special snowflake babies first avatarfag?
141 posts and 51 images omitted