>>68994930Anecdotally, they don't.
Statistically, they don't.
Let's take 4chan as a microcosm of the linear distribution of interests among cohorts. The only boards that enjoy/suffer from female users are /r9k/, /soc/, /cgl/. Only /cgl/ has to do with a hobby, proximally at that.
Let's examine crystal cafe next. 90% of the traffic is contained in /b/ and /feels/. Boards that never discuss hobbies or interests, even proximally.
Let's examine lolcow farm next. 100% of the imageboard is gossip.
Let's examine female twitch streamers. The vast majority of them are "IRL" streamers that are not engaged in any hobbies.
Let's examine female twitch, youtube, instagram users. They overwhelmingly follow "personalities". When it comes to interests or hobbies, 99% of the userbase/viewerbase ends up being male.
The only hobby women have, at least on youtube, is "Health&Beauty", ie makeup and beauty products. That's a woman's raison d'etre. They only care about their beauty and youth, because that translates to male attention, validation, and high-quality mates.
Women are vacuous creatures, bereft of abstract aspirations, ambition, preoccupation with a craft.