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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 76

No.66586633 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i wanna post a pic of my butt... but i'm nervous...
4 posts omitted

No.66598139 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it still considered cheating if his dick couldn't fit in?
33 posts and 1 image omitted

No.66598460 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I found a pic of you guys on Twatter
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No.66593002 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tricked the trans catcher AI
major W
What have you done today anon?

Forever Young

No.66582987 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
He effectively immortalized and enshrined himself through his martyrdom.
Was it a price worth paying? Would continuing to have existed under the radar and dying unsung, unloved and unknown really have been a preferable fate?
61 posts and 9 images omitted

An Ending

No.66584764 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I will kill myself sometime in 2022 by way of charcoal burners.
I have reached a point where I can no longer go on. I am restless and panicked constantly. I am miserable from the moment I wake up until the moment I hit the pillow.
My only escape is dreams, deep sleep, for in this state I can be with my dead dog again.
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/attic/ - Agatha General

No.66565292 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Let's all love Agatha!
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No.66580393 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
She was innocent and wholesome, bros.
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Top Secret Advice

No.66578558 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You DO NOT want a girl who is shy. You DO NOT want a girl who is ugly. You DO NOT want a girl who is fat.

You want a girl who is attractive and sociable and dtf.

Basically it means this: Go up to the most normal looking sexiest girl you see on the street and ask her out/talk to her. Chances are that even if she is dating someone it will be a loser like you who had the balls to ask her out or some underwear model type so there wont be a fight.

Normal women who are super goodlooking have high confidence so they have no reason to humiliate you or look down on you or to be a bitch since they are secure in themselves. They are overlooked by most normalfags since people are assuming that only the 6/10s will accept them. This means that only Chads with high confidence or unexpected sleepers like yourselves that take my advice will ask them. Why do you see so many stories of "the ugly guy with the smoking hot chick"? It's because he got wise to what I'm saying.

You'll find that going for women below an 8 is gonna run you into a large number of cunts and uppity sluts. Shoot for 9/10 and 10/10 and go for broke. Trust me. I've cold approached tons and this is what you will be best off with. You have limited time. Why waste it on a sub-9/10 anyway?

Does being in shape like pic related help? Yes, it'll make you feel like you 'deserve' it more and you'll look more 'compatible' with her walking down the street, but these men felt that way about themselves before they had these bodies.

"Get the best or get nothing"
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Is this a good idea?

No.66575564 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
There's this really high class escort that wants me to pay a lot of money.

I won't have sex with her, I don't want to lose my virginity to a prostitute, but I am willing to pay a couple grand for a date and some advice on women. If I learn to talk to women then maybe I'll be able to ask a real one out and I can also get tips on how to attract beautiful women irl and online, and what to wear and do.
68 posts and 12 images omitted