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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 77

No.66569914 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
At what point do you just give up on trying to find a girlfriend? I'm a 2/10 in looks, is there even any point for people like me to keep trying?
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No.66571317 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We just need to remove the self-esteem of white boys, emasculate them with cuckold, femdom media and pornography, show them how white women are the only race of women desperate for men of another race in the narrative on American media and create a porn industry that white men are not dominant and forced to stick only with white women and black men are the dominant men and with own-race pornographic studios with women of other races

Remove white men from music to be replaced by black men but not remove white women because white women are the white people we want to keep healthy and have a comfortable and good life, and we also need to try to get white women to be fucked by men of another race and keeping white men inferior and forced to be with white women, commercials, putting men of the other race to be the race of desired and sexualized men having explicit sex scenes with white women while keeping white men desexualized, no scenes of explicit sex with women of another race and white men being the only race of men to be used in a negative way, whether making jokes against white men but prohibiting against men of another race, whether promoting them in a sexually negative way, or to be the only race of men in femdom narrative, we need to leave white men tasteless, neutral, castrated, racially and sexually negative while I'm pretending to be a man with no sex, forced to be with a woman of the same race to be neutral, forced to have pornography with only a white woman, not celebrating a white man but making the narrative as the white man was the race of sexually and racially inferior men unwanted that has to be in femdom and humiliation narrative with white male as inferior race and white female as superior race narrative

We need to create news, videos, everything to racially fray those born male and white, maintain stress, and in a racially negative way.

We need to vilify, boycott white men and non-white women, and try to push white women for men of another race
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No.66571036 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You guys are only pretending to be racist, right?
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Do you believe in reincarnation?

No.66570996 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Look at this webm. Look at it. My tiny 5.5 ich dick will never do this to a woman. Will never stretch her out or fill her up.

If I kill myself, I either get another life with a bigger dick or I get a smaller dick and I can kill myself again. If its not real, I won't have to worry about any of my shit anymore.

t.28 yr old virgin
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No.66568371 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>pic related is your state mandated gf
>she's finally delivered to you by the Department of Mass Shooting Prevention and General Autist Maintenance
>you two are alone for the first time

What's the first thing you do, Anon?
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Why can't they just follow the rules?

No.66568034 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>At Academy sports and outdoors
>Need new pair of steel toed shoes for job, shitty ass scechers wear out too damn quick
>Grab box and walk to the front
>Standing in line
>Old white dude tells me that the line starts back there
>Notice a long line
>Like a reasonable person living in a society
>I Walk back to the end of the line to wait my turn
>After about 10 minutes I am the next person to be checked out
>Black girl walks in
>She takes a look at the line and cuts in front of me
>For a split second think about saying something
>Old white dude let's her know about the long line
>She takes another look behind her and stays right where she's at
>I Ultimately decide what's the use? Chuckle to myself about actually expecting this black bitch to follow any sort of rules and go to the next clerk that opens up
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Your average anti-incel

No.66561638 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is the biggest incel himself. Meet AdvocateDoogy an autistic unemployed loner who draws crappy Chris Chan tier comics about how mean incels are and that the blackpill is wrong. He claims to be a Chad because he's in a "online relationship" (LOL) and he's a feminist. Despite being a 30+ yo virgin living with his parents with no friends or job he's also a watchdog at Inceltears. The biggest anti incels are always the biggeat incels themselves. Wonder why....
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No.65496673 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be 20 years old browsing 4chan
>Laugh at the 30 year old wizard jokes
>"What a loser to be a virgin at 30"
>I'm now 28 years old and still a virgin
>I will be that loser soon


No.22090401 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well /r9k/, I fucking blew it. I'm so humiliated and stunned that I can barely type. Today I woke up at 2 PM and went downstairs where mummy was reading in the next room, and I noticed a stack of papers. I saw it was my handwriting so I started sifting through it. At the very end of the stack I saw a picture I had drawn a year or two ago of a naked cat girl slave. It included a fucking creepily written bio about how she'd been kidnapped and trained and "hated mouth-breeding lots!" I think mummy and daddy saw it. There's no way they didn't see it. I went into the next room, shaking, and she didn't look up at me. How can I possibly proceed?
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Who /25+/ here?

No.32614936 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>tfw 18 year old literal children posting about how they've "wasted the best years of their lives" or say they want to kill themselves
for some vague attention grabbing reason

You newfags know absolutely nothing of real despair and loneliness. The best years of your lives are AHEAD of you niw that you're free from the shackles of your parents and gubment education that is meant for nothing more than to placate you

Come back in another 8 years and then tell me how bad you fucked up and want to an hero maybe then you'll actually have a reason

Your brain isn't even done forming until your late 20s. If you're still a loser then you always will be but until then you still have options and hope. We do not

TLDR version: lurk more newfags
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