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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 78

Discuss this revelation I came to

No.66524520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just came to this realization and its fucking devestating to me. I thought I'd share because once you come realize the truth of what I've laid out here the reason "incels" exist and the reason people are so bitter and relationships are so often garbage all fall into place.

No.66501482 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Little lying whore
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No.66518744 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you ever considered dating a black girl, /r9k/?
Not only are they much easier to get than whites, but they're nicer too.
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No.66518699 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I will never understand why good looking non-virgin guys commit suicide. Its like you experienced life the best way possible but choose to throw away everything
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No.66506267 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Claims to be lonely
>Refuses to just date a black fembot from r9k
Why do you guys do this?
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No.66515888 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>quit drinking 6 months ago
>Got to bed around 9-10 pm
>wake up at 2AM
>cant fall back asleep
>exhausted all day with huge bags under my eyes

What the fuck dudes? I was told getting sober would improve my health
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No.66509436 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>well-adjusted person: *gives him advice that works*
Are incels women?
63 posts and 8 images omitted

Involuntary celibacy

No.3844212 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Involuntary celibacy (colloquially incel) is chronic near-total or total absence in a person's sexuality of intimate relationships or sexual intercourse that is occurring for reasons other than voluntary celibacy, asexuality, antisexualism, or sexual abstinence. It is the psycho-social opposite of having a sex life. Incel people, despite being open to sexual intimacy and potential romance with another person and also making active, repeated efforts towards such an end, cannot cause any such end(s) to occur with any significant degree of regularity - or even at all.

Sound familiar?
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No.66509059 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>was outside with all of my cousins here and aunt together for the last time for who knows how long
>bought a white christian dior hoodie with the early-bday money I got yesterday
>get back to aunt's home
>demons in my head get all noisy again
I guess a little bit of vodka won't harm r-right?
>wife of a cousin told me if I fly to Iran I should be very careful since the girls there will try to eat me
have a goodnight desu

No.66504658 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would you do if an ugly girl hit on you?
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