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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 80


!!p4clAmXUG2B No.66431373 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i am a sleepy girl
will i ever be happy
1 post omitted

I think my boyfreind is cheating am I over reacting?

No.66383592 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
He called me a crazy bitch.
He keeps telling this girl that he loves her over text.
I dont speak spanish can anyone help me figure out whats being said?
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No.66395290 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
No kind of incel cope is going to make me believe being a robot is not my fault. I'm a virgin because I don't go outside. That's it.

I see guys that look like Frankenstein with girlfriends and wives everywhere. I see guys with room-temperature IQs with families and children. Same with absolutely broke and lazy men. There are trannies dating women. There is no excuse. That world in which the 4/10 woman only wants Chad is a delusion, a cope to avoid having to go outside and say "hello" to a woman.
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No.66393905 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>6'4 (six feet 4 inches tall)
>r9k says I should get women worshipping the ground I walk on
>instead I look like a femboy and only get hit on my older men and alt girls

you all lied to me
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Your problem isn't your looks.

No.66393160 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you have autism looks don't matter. Women see you as subhuman.
I knew it was gonna be bad but I just saw this data, it's even worse than I thought.
picrel was a 22 khhv despite being a 6ft bodybuilder and it broke him so hard he lost his mind. Of course, he too was autistic.
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No.66389251 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why do you guys think that you deserve to talk to stacy? newsflash, she has better things to do.
1 post omitted

No.66389432 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have an ugly face but I'm 5'0 and 100lbs. I pretty much just get used by people who are either pedos or would probably fuck a hole in the wall. And I'm dumb as bricks because I'm autistic. So I get manipulated by these guys to stay around as a fuckdoll. I don't know what to do anymore.
40 posts and 4 images omitted

No.66375603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can people live without drugs and/or alcohol? Doesn't it sucks to be sober every day?
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No.66361729 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We should just bring back skinhead culture

We have nothing to lose
>There is power in numbers
>We can overrun an abandoned building and live there together that way we are never lonely
>We never need to work. We take what we want.
>Also, skinheads attracted groupies
66 posts and 8 images omitted