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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 91

No.65980276 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do fashion designers make young girls wear shit like this?

I know shes 18 but I just feel like this is weird.
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No.65975280 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone other CoronaNEETs?

>pre Corona
>flunk highschool
>'work' a bit on mental health
>work few part time jobs, play bunch of vidya w/ friends, fuck a few girls
>post Corona
>lose job which causes me to lose momentum in self improving
>friends drift away to their own lives
>become a recluse, have only left house twice in almost 10 months, only human contact is my mother

I wish I found the NEET life as enjoyable as some of you here. To me it feels like I'm genuinely rotting.

No.65972742 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why do men pretend to like shy innocent women? You like sexy sluts, don't be a fucking liar.
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No.65976380 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Even if by some miracle you made it through, get married and got your dream family, there's still a solid 50 % chance that you'll get divorced and statistically speaking you will be 9 times as likely to commit suicide straight after.

No.65975979 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you gain from your feeble attempts to fit in? Just be based. Nothing to lose and the world to gain.
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No.65976311 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not my proudest moment...she may have been tarded but I'm out of the V club boyzzz. Also might be be a dad now because I nutted her into the stratosphere.

No.65973148 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
All i think about is hell and nazis and suicide and girls
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No.65971411 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the power of having a big dick. You can be fat ugly bastard, but of your cock is big you can slay 10/10 cuties
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No.65965460 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Trannies are sweet, lovable and need to be protected.
193 posts and 43 images omitted

The blackpill is a psy-op

No.65960894 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The blackpill/incel movement is a psy-op by the plastic surgery industry to make more men get surgeries.

Women already often get surgeries. Men not so much. Plastic surgeons noticed that and realized there was money to make if more men decided to get surgeries. So it started a psy-op to manipulate virgins into getting surgeries.
The blackpill is a psy-op they organized to make men more obsessed with their looks, and make more men seek plastic surgery.
That's why blackpill videos focus autistically on little details like "negative canthal tilt", "gonial angle", etc... It's to make sure as many men as possible get plastic surgeries, because out of all the flaws FaceandLMS will list in his videos, you will definitely have at least 1 unless you are a 99 percentile male in beauty.

They tell men that "it's over" and that there is no solution. That working on their personality, their finance, their fitness etc... is useless. That they will just end up betabuxx.
Oh wait, there is a solution. "Surgerymaxx".

It's nothing but a gigantic marketing campaign by the plastic surgery industry. FaceandLMS was probably paid by them directly.

They target men unsuccessful in dating who have low self-esteem, and they do everything to worsen their already low confidence, and everything to convince them that they are inadequate. All to make them pay for surgeries.
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