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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 92
The truth is, Chad is a lot nicer, more chill and far less shallow than uglier men.
>>65962497 You are just trying to moralize your bias. You ignore the fact that women prefer attractive psychopaths over attractive good men.
>>65962575 studies show most men prefer attractive psychopath women over attractive agreeable women, you just want abusestacy
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>>65962564 What a deflection. Doesnt matter, meeks shows that good personality is not only irrelevant in selection a mate, but other studies have shown women actually PREFER violent criminal chads over moral good chads.
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>>65962586 >>65962453 Very interesting actually, but, also no link so I am obligated to call you a huge faggot.
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>>65962391 not remotely true
incels just worship and fantasize about chad because they want to be him
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>get home >there is a letter from the state secretary's office >600$ stimulus >shrug meh wtf do I do with this? I don't need it and could live as if it doesn't exist.
>>65958293 I am not playing the game wrong. Racking up a tone of debt and having a shit credit score and living pay check to paycheck and paying interest to lenders for depreciating assets and having no equity is not playing the game correctly. I am playing the game correctly, but the state is awarding undesirables and lazy faggots so that it can keep a class of political dullards dependent on the system
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>>65958267 I had all of that. I want enough money to get the fuck away from people, and have some time to think for myself. I also want the real estate bubble to stop being artificially manipulated
>>65958432 Nope, you're playing the game wrong.
You're not happy with the effort/reward system you have locked yourself into.
It's ok to be angry that you're no good at this.
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>>65958501 I am doing this because I am much smarter than
>>65958480 Nope it has less to do with my effort and more to do with the shortsightedness of those in charge of society and those within society. It's a more collective issue that you can't comprehend
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all are welcome, you must change your ways faggots you are repulsive, nay, tremendously sickening. in fact you are a hideous devouring pestilence that eats away at well formed civil structure.
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>>65955936 they live in their own fantasy land, something so far disconnected from reality its hard to comprehend
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>>65955913 >t. Seething mentally ill faggot Kill yourself
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>>65955793 We literally allow you to exist. Really you should be in a psych ward.
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>>65955913 Because they literally are? Ugly faggots prey on us cels. I can't even tell you how many monstrous trannies and queens hit on me and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. They unconsciously view us as fellow travelers. If you deny this you probably are one
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fag hate bump.
Why did I reincarnate as an obese black man instead of a beautiful Japanese weather lady?
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>>65954290 fuck, I meant stop. Well you might as well eat yourself to death. Enjoy the ride to the grave.
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>>65954094 >just shovel food in your mouth >hard >mfw Anonymous
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>>65953586 Maybe next time
>>65953586 I know how you feel.
why can't I just wake up as futa or a girl.
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>>65954505 thats a dickgirl faggot. not a futa
/r9k/ survey, please respond with: Favourite music genre Favourite movie genre Favourite anime/tv genre Country Age or approx age range Thank you for your participation.
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>>65567386 >Favourite music genre Experimental Rap/Shoegaze/Psychedelic Rock
>Favourite movie genre No particular genre but I liked a movie which was about mudane shit that was going on in one's life and how that guy was really really fucked in his head even if he appears "normal".
>Favourite anime/tv genre Psychological thriller/Dystopia
>Country India
>Age or approx age range 18
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>Favourite music genre Psybient/downtempo>Favourite movie genre Sci-Fi Drama>Favourite anime/tv genre Psychological>Country Germany>Age or approx age range 24
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>>65567386 >All except rap >Sc-Fi and action >none >Poland >19-21 Anonymous
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>>65581131 No only thrash.
Could you count evile and shrapnel as nwobhm? What about gama bomb.
Mentally insane stalker weirdos who just completely lose it and become possessive. I hope you enjoy how quiet it is without interesting women in your life.
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>>65952758 Sweet, let's fucking do it.
>>65952755 I am not a homosexual, sorry anon.
>>65952735 Green hair (1:2)
Blue hair (1:3)
Red hair (1:3)
Platinum hair (1:1)
Pink hair (2:1)
Plays PC games (1:3)
Actually interesting (100:1)
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I think you mean physically insane
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>>65952580 probably because yorue a rotten used up slut who only uses men
you dont actually value anyting good in people
and are only looking to have ur stupid hedonisti c cravings be fulfilled
so that u can avoid being an empty person and an empty snatch
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>>65952745 >>65952794 I'm seriously interested in why she thinks she's interesting.
I guess that must be it.
>be me, 22 >literal wizard (not 30+ virgin, but an actual magician) >faggots larp about their spoopy powers on /x/ >most of them are larping and annoying >start posting on r9k >grow to love all you sex starved faggots >fall for the gf meme >volcel for three years >use spoopy powers >make servitor >ask it to bring me a woman I'll love and who'll love me back >four months go by >meet roastie with 5+ bodycount >start talking to her >fall for her >realize she's falling for me >stop thinking with my dick and realize it's a fucking roastie >kill servitor >gradually stop talking with her >post this thread Not even magic can shield you from roasties if you're not careful. I'll have to be more specific next time.
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>>65952781 Magic increases the chances of things happening as a function of the orginal chance so try to make things happen which aren't too unlikely (i.e, having someone twist their ankle). Your main tool is belief, read Jung's Man and His Symbols, Goddard's Feeling is the secret lecture and Peter Carroll's Liber Kaos.
Tl;dr The minds of people are linked in such a way that thoughts can seep between them so when you think of something being true, your perception is recieved subconsciously by other people which act accordingly depending on how "strong" you project your thoughts.
>>65952796 pay me in bitcoin
>>65952805 It happens anon, don't sweat it
You dodged a bullet, you almost lost your wizardry license.
>>65952643 How did you learn this stuff? How do you know the magic likely is helping, and not that you're paying more attention to things that just happen coincidentally? When you say that the chance something happens that magic increases is a function of the original chance, doesn't that sound a lot like those things are just coincidental?
In the off chance that this is true, how do I use magic to try to get a gf? Do I have to articulate everything precisely in my head, or can I just assume it gets the gist of what I mean and can read my mind?
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It's only your fault
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>>65952937 I know
no more sex for me
>>65953189 >not that you're paying more attention to things that just happen coincidentally? I was skeptic about it until I tried a series of experiments with an rng and tried to manifest random things and I got the difficult task of manifesting a midget fight.
Ffw a month later and i witnessed my first ever midget fight. What were the chances of that happening on it's own? extremely low
> When you say that the chance something happens that magic increases is a function of the original chance, doesn't that sound a lot like those things are just coincidental? No because it also depends on how much you velieve it will happen (subconsciously).
> Do I have to articulate everything precisely in my head, or can I just assume it gets the gist of what I mean and can read my mind? Easiest way of achieving this without any actual practice? Daydream about your life with your ideal gf from a first person perspective and ideally try to induce lucid dreams of you both.
Pretend she's real and already in your life, whenever you start thinking she's not real or you'll never get a girl like her stop and think about other shit or distract yourself. The only way to do magic is self induced psychosis, belief with certainty is key and you must avoid negative thoughts because those work against you by manifesting the opposite of the outcome (you not getting your gf). Don't be overly specific because you'll need more umph in order to offset the low initial probability.
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i cant relate to anyone. i try to live a healthy lifestyle, be good, kind, clean, tidy, care about the enviroment, work hard and study... but it doesnt matter, i will always be alone. im eligible for neetbux for my depression. i started the process a couple years ago and it got accepted, now im retroactively getting all the money i would've got in the mean time. once i cash in on it in a couple weeks and leaave it to my mom, im killing myself.
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*winks* *becomes incontinent* *falls down and breaks literally every bone in body* *hoards property* *wears hearing aid but wont charge its batteries* *refuses to learn how to use a computer* *yells in boomer* *spits out platitudes*
thatll be you when youre older. you think old pepole are just lazy but you will end up juist as retarded provided you even make it to old age and all the kids will see you as an old man who never used to be youthful
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>>65943041 >thatll be you when youre older. Nope
>you think old pepole are just lazy but you will end up juist as retarded Boomers specifically are not just lazy, but they are also retarded.
I work in tech, so im quite literally never going to be that old guy that doesn't know how to open a smartphone, or gets locked out of his desktop on a weekly basis because he can't remember his password.
Its quite literally just a mentality of a generation. Boomers just don't want to learn how to do new things.
I've met old people from third world countries that understood technology better than most western boomers.
Fucking fat retard.
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i suppose we all have to learn and change in our lives, op, so we dont end up with boomer brain worms. still, i dont think this website is the best place to find people who are capable of learning and changing.
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>>65943041 They sit at home complaining about, but still watching, reruns and commercials. They take no action to improve their health. So yes they are in fact lazy.
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Yeah but they fought wars so I mean.
I like black girls with sexy cheekbones like that and big lips and almond shaped eyes To me it's the peak of female beauty Where can I find more black girls with that phenotype? Is there a nationality, culture or tribe that has an higher concentration of black girls with that phenotype than other black cultures?
>>65930800 >>65930801 I'm guessing she likes white men who are not stereotypically white
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>>65930643 Light skin blacks look yellow how the hell can you confuse them for white people?
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>>65930815 >stereotypically white and what's that
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I want to put my face between these cheeks
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She wants a jack harlow.