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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 93

No.65943034 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
*becomes incontinent*
*falls down and breaks literally every bone in body*
*hoards property*
*wears hearing aid but wont charge its batteries*
*refuses to learn how to use a computer*
*yells in boomer*
*spits out platitudes*

No.65930643 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I like black girls with sexy cheekbones like that and big lips and almond shaped eyes
To me it's the peak of female beauty
Where can I find more black girls with that phenotype?
Is there a nationality, culture or tribe that has an higher concentration of black girls with that phenotype than other black cultures?
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No.65930598 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Reminder of our cute little devil Ciara.

don't forget her anons
34 posts and 19 images omitted

How come pale white Irish and Slavic white women are so pretty

No.65918161 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We all agree they're master race right
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No.65913431 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


66 posts and 24 images omitted

No.65907758 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I find sex tourism to be quite an enjoyable hobby.
94 posts and 18 images omitted

No.65913141 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>413 IQ
>23 down into my feminization
>The only place I can go on earth for the chance of a wife is Uruguay, and if I move there I'll have a worse chance at life than Trey Eric Sesler while being mentally weaker too

It's not fair that I'm only 8 facially removed from the spree shooter Charles Whitman. The only thing I can get from life is male escorts at this point. I feel no attraction to women, and the average female looks like concrete to me.

I don't want a child either, so I do not see anything worth doing in life. All I have is 91 thousand USD all in Suncor Energy stock and Loud House rule 34.

Does anyone else live like me?
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No.65907379 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Need help /r9k/

>A friend in our group (the black guy) has been going after this girl in our group for over 10 years.
>She has dated a few of us and even had one night stands with some of us, but never the black guy in our group that pined for her.
>She knew he liked her for years but was never interested because he had nothing to offer, he was short, ugly, nerdy, going bald and didn't have any money
>She had issues with her family and was going to move out with her current boyfriend but he backed out.
>She needed someone else to pay the rent and didn't know what to do
>Then she remembered the black guy
>She broke up with her boyfriend and hooked up with the black guy
>She knew for years that the black guy was a simp and would always pay for everything even with girls he was not on dates with
>She moved in with him
>She cheated on him twice with 2 other guys in our group but the black guy does not know about it
>COVID happened
>She can't go out and see other guys while the black guy is not looking due to everyone staying home
(1/2 continues)
153 posts and 28 images omitted

i am the "crying soyjak"

No.65893786 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i think this guy's theories are bullshit, right?
but every time i go on the internet and someone's childhood relationships are revealed; whether it be one of you fags or some lgbt guy, this motherfucker somehow always seems to be right, from the guy who got abused, to the guy who got potty trained late. i get pissed, this guy laughs from his grave and celebrates with a line of cocaine.
1 post and 1 image omitted


No.65887343 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Late night drivel and let's pretend
572 posts and 76 images omitted