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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 98

No.65440483 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the perfect age for a girl that you want to have sex with? As we all know, girls above the age of 18 are used goods and become more unattractive every year, but how young is too young?
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No.65004134 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
White boys be like:
>ewww black girls are ugly

and then turn around and breed this
42 posts and 5 images omitted

No.65397355 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>go to college
>"it'll be way easier to make friends!"
>every day is eating, watching youtube videos and tiktoks of attractive women, playing video games, going to the gym, sleeping, and doing the bare minimum of school work, wiith zero studying.
>any clubs that pique my interest are full of the most visibly degenerate people possible
>my roommate is out all the time so im alone 80% of the time.

It's gonna be the same shit once I get a 9-5, isn't it? Why do I think things will change?
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No.65412018 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do white girls have the best feets?
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No.65399951 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do you deal with the fact that she drained his balls dry and swallowed his cum?
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No.65377639 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Over the past several months I have been following pinku poster aka Natsukiposter very closely and have now decided to catalogue information about her. I have a little bit of information but am willing to buy more, ranging from 50 to 100 USD, please email me information and link your PayPal so I can discuss it with you.

[email protected]
62 posts and 28 images omitted

No.65374299 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw no soulmate to be surly with together
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No.64717177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which one are you?

Porn addict here
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No.65358065 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
None of you pussies experienced real life. All you slobs do is complain about no gf even though you never had a job never went to college. Dont forget your social skills are nonexistent yet you claim you are depressed. You nasty fags dont know nothing you are still children. You retards probably dont even know how to change a tire like a real man. You never cut no lawn. You never talked to no girl. You never made livable income. You guys are absolute utter retards that conplain about misfortune that happens to everyone the difference is real men dont rely on the pity of others to get them through life.
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