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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 99

No.63678846 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>get accepted into university with majority female students (70-80%)
>Two third of my class is females
>Move into a 8 person dorm, I am the only male
>They sometimes cook food in their pyjamas in the kitchen
>Make Friends with everyone in class and the dorm
>Live like this for 2 years
>Still a kissless handholdless virgin

Sometimes not even the perfect conditions are enough to overcome severe autism.
10 posts and 1 image omitted


No.43839214 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
and with the death of crona, peace returned to britfeel edition
505 posts and 107 images omitted

No.65260209 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does anyone have a cult for me to join or person to worship? I'm unironically desperate for some meaning and purpose in my life.
69 posts and 20 images omitted

What mark would you have given them

No.65180800 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.64989817 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the government was based it would force everyone to be monogamous. And they force every single girl to be with every single guy.
And if it works out that there is more guys than women in the population i wouldn't even be mad. People couldn't even insult me or call me gay or an incel because there is evidence you cant get a gf cause there is more males than females in the population.
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Sorry for the blog, can someone talk to me

No.60199137 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>dad wants to talk to me
>"hey you've stopped doing Uni 2 years ago, what are your plans?"
>well I'm not really sure
>fast forward a bit in to the convo
>I don't really have a purpose
>"well you got a think about what you want, staying in your room won't facilitate finding a purpose, you need to get a bit out of your comfort zone"
>I can't find the reason to go out and do something, I don't enjoy anything
>"hmm, well how about we go and travel for a little bit. I know you like churches and going to museums, we don't even have to talk about what we discussed today, I just want us to have a good time"
>Me thinking in my head while he's talking: you guys(parents) are the only reason I'm alive, I don't want to think anymore I'm tired of it.
>start crying, I leave the room and go out of the house sobbing
Guys I really don't know what to do anymore, I feel so fucking sorry for him and my mom. They try so hard but I legitimately have no reason to continue other than for them.
I genuinely want to kill myself.
Pic related the message he sent me
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No.65081061 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just want to meet a girl online, talk to her, be friends with her, and occasionally sext/trade nudes.
Why is this so hard to find nowadays? There used to be tons of cute, fun, nice girls online. Back in high school I literally spent a year and a half long-distance dating some girl I met on Omegle.
Now, five years later, it seems impossible. Omegle is dead, unless you want to use the gay video section and comb through 300 guys before finding one girl who'll just ignore you. /soc/ is just a bunch of gay dudes, larpers, and girls trying to advertise their Onlyfans. All the old websites are dead and replaced by Discord, where every server is 50 depressed zoomer losers orbiting one bitchy whore. Girls don't even talk in game chat anymore, or at least not the games I'm playing.
What happened?
Why are there no girls on the internet?

No.65078198 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's it like not having ocd? I can't remember...
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No.65015355 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is your biggest regret?
4 posts and 1 image omitted

I wish non whites ceased to exist

No.65021147 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
As a black girl, I wish black people would simply vanish from the face of the earth, not via genocide (I would hate for my loved ones to die like that) but us just refusing to breed. I wish there was some virus or intervention that had a memetic effect on blacks and browns exclusively to not have children.
86 posts and 5 images omitted