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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 16

No.91065185 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When playing D&D, how are your sessions divided in terms of combat and roleplay?

How importance are encumbrance, time tracking, and other "upkeep" mechanics to your game?
2 posts omitted

Need a non-gay established Fantasy IP

No.91050220 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tolkein is being pumped full of niggers and inundated with Trump metaphors.
Warhammer is being pumped full of women and watering down any old lore that's offensive.
Both are capitulating to trannies, faggots, coomers, and redditors (redundant). I guess anything corporate inevitably will.

Looking for a good fantasy game or IP that's like old Warhammer: mostly real world history with respect to immersion, but with a bit of mythical flare that pushes it to a fun, colorful extreme.

No.91040915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
2 posts and 1 image omitted

/slop/ - AI Art

No.90622982 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Monster Manual Edition

Previous Thread: >>90620304


>oil painting
>acrylic painting
>black&white ink
>*game engine* screenshot
>*decade* movie (poster)
>album cover (genre or decade)
>illuminated manuscript
>baroque/renaissance/dadaist painting
>pixel art
>circa (year)
>Kodachrome (or other film type)
>low quality film (or other film descriptor)

>Eye Level Shot
>Low Angle Shot
>High Angle Shot
>Hip Level Shot
>Knee Level Shot
>Ground Level Shot
>Shoulder Level Shot
>Dutch Angle Shot
>Overhead Shot
>Aerial Shot
272 posts and 151 images omitted

Is Gamesworkshop an antisemitic company?

No.90951994 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>supports BLM
>calls their fans racists and tells them they will not be missed
>supports Ukraine and pulls sales from Russia
>Again calls their fans fascist nazis and their product fascist. While claiming they are not fascist themselves
>Meanwhile the death, rape, infanticide of 1200 innocent jewish civilians
I mean i'm not suggesting Gamesworkshop(Warhammer) are hypocritical crypto-anti-semitic nazis or anything.
Just find their thinking curious.
4 posts omitted

if your dad didn't play D&D, youre probably a shit player.

No.90938833 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Title says it all. Biology is real, genetics is real. Your upbringing is real. Certain people are genetically predisposed to creativity. And how you were raised also has a lot to do with it. There are hordes and hordes of players on discord with little green bubbles waiting patiently for someone who isn't a fucking hylic to run a game for them. Even then it's usually some bald söykike running Curse of Strahd. The sheer weight of absolute dogshit that pervades the normoniggers who play D&D now shouldn't even be a surprise. Most of it is because the people who play now are not meant to be D&D players. It's not in their blood. Yes, some people are literally incapable of being good roleplayers. It's just the truth. Sorry.

No.90938009 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't want games to be fun. I want games to be an accurate representation of what life was like in the middle ages, and that includes the rape, violence, untreatable sicknesses and rampant inequality. If it isn't true to real life then it's freakshit and it should not exist.
4 posts omitted

No.90794563 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes. Fuck spics. Fuck chinks. Fuck indians. Fuck sandniggers. Fuck ukrainians. Most of all, fuck jannies.

All women are whores. 1488 + White Power