>>7995980>The Sega Genesis now uses both of it's VRam banks and it's external CRam bank since launchzoom zoom, zoomy zoomzoom.
>>7996103>Sega CD would of done better if the Genesis had more VRam and more CRam.you're genuinely retarded. not only was there a dire lack of software at launch, but the cd-rom was so painfully slow that it turned off everyone from using it and was literally shat on in gaming magazines around the world. it wouldn't matter if the megadrive had 1gb of RAM, it still has to load all of its data from a painfully slow cd-rom drive.
>>7996158>32X only got made because the Genesis had such a low color pallet,absolutely false and fantasy bullshit. 32x was sega's final effort in extending the life of the megadrive with a faster cpu and better video. it failed even harder than the cd-rom drive.
>>7997273>But without master system compatibility there would be no point including the z80z80 was used as a co-processor to drive audio in many arcade machines, including sega's own boards - which the megadrive is loosely based on. sega would have still included a z80 regardless to take processing load off of the m68k.