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What is /vr/'s opinion on randomizers? I like the idea of playing the same game in a different order, having a dungeon with a different boss, having to hunt for other progress items, or having to trek through another game in order to get an item to progress further into a game.
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>>9471219 Bombs worked pretty well, but I only had 10 in this seed so I still had to spin slash them down. Plus I had to get spins on Vitrius himself.
It's amazing how many magic items the seed gave, all three medallions and both rods, the lamp, but nothing to actually fight bosses with. At least when I saw where Speed Booster was the seed got blown open, getting to dark world opens up so much.
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>>9462654 I get the appeal, but I haven’t replayed a single game enough to warrant a randomized playthrough. I usually tend to wait for years after beating a game to replay it.
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>Play SMZ3 due to thread >Takes me two and a half hours to complete >Immediately start up another seed anyway I forgot how fun this was.
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>>9470126 Lower Norfair kicked my ass, last night. Then again I was being reckless. By the time I reached the Kung-fu space pirates, I had 40 energy remaining. Decided to call it a night and played a LttP randomizer, which was more relaxing.
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>>9448592 Those ports were so shit
And GTa Advance wasn't great either
>>9451365 Hi, David Bland.
Hyperspin looks so damn good but is such a piece of shit to get set up. I just want to download and play.
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>>9294754 > I just want to download and play. Then just do that and completely disregard Hyperspin.
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>>9294754 It's basically completely abandoned and getting any help for it online now is a lost cause. Still kind of regret getting rid of it in my arcade cab though, even if it only launched games successfully half the time, it has a lot of SOVL.
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>just want to download and play >BUT OMG I WANT THIS NEEDLESS FRONTEND BECAUSE OF HOW IT LOOKS Pick one.
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>>9294754 you can use launch box or download a preconfigured hyperspin build if your lazy
honestly I dont see a reason to ever use these frontends unless your building a purely gaming pc like a bartop or something
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>>9294754 >I just want to download and play CoinOPS
Daytona may have the better music and graphics, but this has the best gameplay by far Still so addicting
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>>9289034 annoying crazy frog shit
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>>9287228 This game is day and night difference once you somehow enable analog steering
>>9288935 Didn’t know about this, can you do it with the turbo version?
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>>9289104 No, sadly. Turbo had significantly different code. Namco was trying to get R4 to run at 60fps on the PS1 during development (using the original Ridge Racer data as a testbed) but the PS1 wasn't powerful enough. They were able to get the first game running at 60fps though, and they said "fuck it, let's throw a disc with it and some game demos into the R4 release".
It's a lot of fun to play, I wish Namco had also released it as a standalone game with a budget pricetag.
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Should I play them on a Dreamcast or a Gamecube?
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>>9287348 >Dreamcast = plug and play console, emulation is iffy at best moron retard go back to /v/
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>>9294691 Why did the water look worse on all the other releases after dreamcast?
A lot of you people saying DX is better don't understand how magical it was to see dreamcast games for the first time after psx and n64. My local Babbage's "yes I'm that old" imported a dreamcast from japan months before it came here and it blew my little kid fucking mind. So yes I will say the dreamcast verison is better
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>>9297149 >The Dreamcast version is better for anecdotal nostalgia purposes ok
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>>9297149 >A lot of you people saying DX is better don't understand how magical it was to see dreamcast games for the first time after psx and n64. My local Babbage's "yes I'm that old" imported a dreamcast from japan months before it came here and it blew my little kid fucking mind. So yes I will say the dreamcast verison is better I saw the first level at a Sam's Club too, with the killer whale and it blew my mind.
DX is still superior.
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I still can't understand what the fuck Sega was thinking with this thing>let's make yet another tumor for the clearly already obsolete Genesis that costs over half of what the Saturn costs while being dramatically less powerful, which means we'll also have to divide up our resources supporting two concurrent 5th gen consoles instead of just fully backing one ????????????
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>>9135465 The Genesis 3 is the best one for cutting out all of the gay add-on support. Also, Majesco were the ones that released it under a license from Sega.
t. Genesis 3 owner
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Genesis delivered 16-bit gaming to perfection. The CD was a great addon as evidenced by stunning games like Final Fight CD.
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>>9132325 The 32X port is only 30fps compared to the 60fps arcade version
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>>9142205 It can do more then that.
It should have been a lot better than what we got but, ultimately I still enjoy the Mega CD. What's your favourite game on the system
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>>9144891 It is already abundant in games I like. My favorite, is probably Keio Flying Squadron.
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>>9148240 I've got the right USB block 5v 2a so hopefully I dodge that bullet but thank you, I'll look into the chips just in case. Turns out the Mrs is a beast at splatter house, so I gotta keep it alive.
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>>9144891 Final Fight CD
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>>9146078 dunno about dvds or blu-rays, but I recall ps1 devs just had to pay Sony a small fee ("small", at least in comparison to how much it cost to make carts atp) to print games on cds
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>>9145118 The Genesis can do 32KB of CRam as it's bus is 8bit.
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Why isn't it as beloved as WWF No Mercy?
>>9237292 >Wolfy >>9237687 >wolfie See this is the perfect example why your meme isn't "over" anywhere outside of /pw/. I don't know who wolfie is or why he lives rent free in your heads but absolutely no one gets this reference outside of your containment board. Hell even I visit /pw/ from time to time and I still cannot grasp the high levels of autism that occurs in Nash threads, and they occur every fucking day.
I'm not against summer of 92 posting, it's just cringe when you idiots post that shit outside of /pw/ and to paraphrase Davy Boy Smith; "falls flat on it's fucken arse".
Stick to your own territory lads.
>>9233293 recommend me a good icefight game on the 64
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>>9238787 Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey series
It has some big problems and is a 6.5 out of 10 at most, but I still think it’s worth playing.
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>>9215637 Forgot to add, an MSU-MD mod of this game would be fantastic if possible. Like the Saturn Sonic game we never got
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>>9215627 gameplay is too gimmicky. loved the artstyle and music as always thought
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>>9215627 Sonic fans tend to exaggerate things one direction or the other, this game's just got problems, it's by no means irredeemable. It's development was kind of a disaster too so I can't be too hard on it, it was rushed from a genesis tech demo to a full fledged game on new hardware in no time at all. You can track how little of the game they had finished nearing release by looking at the prototype dumps, it has barely any badniks because there weren't any added period until very late.
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>>9215627 I like it. It's not the best Sonic game, but it's also not the worst Sonic game either. The people who hate on it are exaggerating.
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>>9215627 Whats up with Chaotix and CD having the shittiest level design? I know it was rushed but they only have like 5 levels how did they fuck up the level design that bad? Its like the designers purposely haphazardly placed springs and random shit everywhere just to make the levels as frustrating as possible while your trying to battle the shitty gimmicky control mechanics like time travel and clacker rubber band physics.
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>MAME is 25 years old >still not finished, never will be open source projects are the fucking worst, paypig this shit and at least it will be fixed
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>>9247206 Mate, it’s not one system
How would it ever be “finished”
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>>9247206 Open source is irrelevant. There are others that decide to Patreon-up the process, but MAMEdevs refuse to coordinate any paypiggy attempts. >4 patrons Anonymous
>>9246139 >Aaron steps down >this is alluded to a long time in advance >finally happens >oh shit what do we do now >guys I figured it out >lets put Kale in charge >commits are still rolling in >project is as busy as ever >it's been a few months >we're about due for a new release >so uh Kale, when are we actually getting a new release? >Kale? >we're a bit overdue now >Kale it's been three months wtf are you doing? >new release >oh great I was getting worried >four months later >uh Kale, we're well overdue for a new release >it's supposed to be every 1-2 months max >it's approaching 5 >Kale hurry the fuck up >stop playing gals panic and upload the release binary already >threads keep popping up asking wtf is going with mame >this cycle goes on for almost two years until micko seizes the reins Nothing really bad happened in that time but it seemed like complete chaos if you weren't following too closely.
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>>9247206 Bitch, would you have honestly been happy with MAME being finished back when they viewed the CPS systems as being impossible?
>>9247603 It's even funnier when you realize the reason Aaron took over in the first place is because Haywood wasn't doing the fucking job on a regular basis and Aaron was already being forced to cover for Haywood and decided he might as well take the credit if he was going to be doing the job.