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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 21
Redpill me on loose skin bros. >Does it matter if you lose it fast or slow >Will collagen supplements help to lessen it >Will dermarolling help? So many conflicting answers online and curious of what you guys think. I've heard fasting can help autophagy but also have heard it's minimal.
>>66676732 Bone broth. You're welcome.
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>>66679214 oh you want to fight loose skin. Well, bone broth is good for you, skin, etc. so I would still try it. Better than supplements.
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>>66676732 who is that girl on the right NOW I NEED TO KNOW NOW NOW
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>>66676769 the left one is shopped to hell and back, anon
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>>66431557 whats the yellow stuff on his face OwO
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>>66431557 I only shower if I'm going to meet someone and don't want to smell like shit, or after a run
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If we get >66666666 in this thread christcucks will be forever banished from this board
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>>66667103 kys zoomer I hope you die attempting to squat 2pl8
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>>66666666 Madre Santissima! Dios mio!
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archive.4plebs. org/tv/thread/167853014/#q167853239>See more >39 results in all Very humorous pictures indeed. What a chad photographer
Have you ever met an actual Chad in real life? I mean a socially outgoing athletic guy who has tons of friends and also succeeds in life? If you told these guys you are "self improving" with nofap, reading shit nobody cares about, eating "clean", mewing and all that I'm 100% sure they would laugh at you and say you just need to go out more and be more confident. This whole self improvement cult is for autistic incel NEETs who are completely out of touch with reality
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>>66537011 There are values in these books that can absolutely improve a guy's life who hasn't had a proper role model in his life.
The important part is to catch the right point to jump off and start actually living, instead of spiralling down into the redpill hole.
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>>66537676 I like this photo
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All the chads I've ever met were190cm or taller. This was even before I found out about 4chan so it's not like I was psyop'd into believing that or anything. I think tall men just get constant praise and reinforcement throughout life that gives them confident attitude and chad behavior
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>>66543148 Whatever you say.
Farm the rice. Pay the price. This is elliot rodger's half brother, Jazz Rodger. Born to a north african mother. The people of MENA is what most wignat types would address as "subhuman" but they produce far, far better offspring compared to the commonly fetishized jungle asians. Don't have babies with asians if you're a european. If you must cope, and you cannot find a suitable mate, stick to the northern african to southern europe lower tier women. Otherwise you will produce sons who will commit mass murder.
>>66504782 Too white to be italian
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>>66499171 I was this was reality, but women of all races are overwhelmingly attracted to nordic/anglo features
t. medcel
>>66499071 hispanic women > mena > hapa > indian > east asian
After Mena it goes downhill, I mean the kid will not look white for 3-4 generations
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>>66505324 Mind you, this is a mena/jewish mix, not mena/white mix. Look up anglos-germanics mixing with mena, they tend to look even whiter than OP's pic. And yes, this is correct, hispanic/mena and some north indians will give white kids, others will give a kid that looks more like the other race.
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Is getting an average looking girlfriend as an average looking but /fit/ guy really as difficult as this board makes it out to be?
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>>66390196 Turns out that even very attractive men are horny as fuck and are okay fucking something easy rather than risk failure with top tier female.
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>>66390170 My first date with my wife, she was so nervous she could hardly speak. The date was horribly awkward. I thought it was cute. I knew it meant she must like me, so obviously I ended up marrying her.
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>>66390231 you dug yourself into this position, and now you have to get yourself out of it
it's going to hurt a lot at first, but it'll get better
good luck
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>>66388182 That screencap, like your post, reeks of poor me self reinforcing neurotic retardation. Can you define what "making it" is? Do you think "making it" requires that you be a professional athlete making millions? Because there are professional athletes that qualify for food stamps. But they made it because they're 6'6" and run a 4 minute mile time.
Is /fit/ full of these self defeating retards everywhere?
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254 post thread deleted just like that wtf is wrong with jannies
Does anger work for or against you in a fight?
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>>66386877 >who seems like a fairly rough guy, said that in a lot of street fights the guy is just coming at your brawling. Which is why grappling dominates 1v1, ego driven fights. Single leg, maybe a double, then ground and pound.
As a youngster I see the opposite sometimes, a lot of guys around college age will try to back up and be afraid of striking, even the ones who play tough. Even easier to deal with though.
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>>66384422 only if you can control it you'll just end up flailing around like a retard; otherwise, people who let their anger take over become like an open book telegraphing every move they make while also dropping their defenses
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>>66390898 within a certain weight range, you can win against a bigger opponent if you have more skill than him. When you start going around 40+ lbs and up, you're probably shit out of luck, and your best bet is either to just run or get him to shell up/gas out while throwing as hard/fast you can, assuming he's untrained.
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What do you wear to the gym? What is good gym attire?
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>>46887369 i feel ur pain, i sweat like a motherfucker and always leave looking soaked compared to everyone else.
>>46889553,1 fuck you nigger
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>>46889553,2 Why, what did I do?
Reddit Randy
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Jailbird Edition Welcome to /fit/'s Locker Room. Here the bros talk loosely and casually with the other regulars at the gym /fit/ - Fitness. While we work hard and talk about optimizing programming and dieting and everything fitness related in the gym we also talk casually about things not specifically related to the gym but yet related to it. Or things you want to ask your fellow /fitizens/ about but never get the chance to because its not allowed in the gym. Usual topics of conversations and bants include>Tinder, asking about girls etc, showing off your latest tinder whales you slayed >talking about that nice ass you spotted in the squat rack >whatever tfw >whatever rants and bants you feel like sharing >Remember to not feed the trolls or take the bait. >any and all welcome
>>66351857 cope all you want
women i talk to will compare my face to some random reality tv show they watch that i think looks nothing like me
face > status > height
I thought I would be happy with 1pl8 OHP. Fuck you guys.
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>>66351883 Post face incel
>source: just trust me bro XD Anonymous
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>>66352138 the ride never ends
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>live large edition >The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc) >Trips PRs Pastebin
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>>66305051 The thing with strength standards is that they're based on big data sets and can give people an approximation of where they're at relatively speaking at their current strength level. Advanced is generally a place that takes YEARS to reach, a total of 340kg wouldn't be competitive at MEETS for a 80kg woman but it isn't something a regular person can just get within their first couple of months in the gym.
Maybe someone with more experience can support/deny this but I think it looks very unlikely to reach it from memetraining + 3 months of novice program
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>>66303292 Damn, I wonder what the issue is with our knees bro. Thanks for replying though.
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>>66303393 It’s not bait, I really want to know
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>>66303711 Trying to create the extra sleep time going forward - I now get why everyone i know who is working thought i was nuts and how i got the time to go to the gym on a ‘school’ night. Time to get my hyperextension done and train at home.
>depth Been getting pretty good at cutting in sleeves, just the extra weight and having no idea wtf was happening pushed me lower. You can see with 200 where i should have gone up then i go lower and just pop back up to that point and stop