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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 12

No.92277949 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Looks like LTT got hacked
690 posts and 142 images omitted

No.103574904 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why doesn't my project sell?
87 posts and 28 images omitted


No.55945350 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a mystery I've been following for some time. Reposting this pic I found from a user on /b/ here:

Although this is just an archive, the user also posted a 2hr-expire paste on pastebin in the same thread maybe 5m after. Reupped it here:

I think the evidence for CAIMEO is mounting.

No.103600106 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
which shupogaki is the best gaki?
7 posts and 2 images omitted

On Veracrypt Encryption on Windows

No.92659686 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am going to rope soon and so people don't put their fingers on pc afterwards, I encrypted the windows partition with veracrypt. I have nothing illegal on it, other than some torrented anime and games I guess, but I still want to do it properly, if I do so. From my times on GNU/Linux I know it's possible to temper around with the bootloader in order to get around LUKS+LVM encrypted drives. So I just assume as long there is a boot partiotion, there is a risk. I am going to get me a Knoppix flash drive and overwrite everything with dd if=/dev/urandom and that should be good.

Are people really so curios what's on the PC of a suicided person who did no crimes at all? Should Veracrypt+overwriting with dd be enough?
38 posts and 11 images omitted

No.90000000 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
fuck iToddlers
121 posts and 39 images omitted


!K.WeEabo0o No.10968883 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post any cool unicode shit you got, cool characters, emoticons, whatever.
I'll start with some character sets.

89 posts and 16 images omitted

No.103589707 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
are trains /g/ related? I love shupos!
1 post omitted

/hmg/ Hackerman General

No.64668661 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>made the thread just to reply to another dude from the last thread thread edition

In /hmg/ we discuss pentesting, ctfs, exploits, and general being a hackerman.


>easy beginner bullshit
>prebroken images to work on.
>super secret club

>meme dragon distro but it just werks
>scriptkiddie starting point and swiss army knife

>From zero to OSCP-hero rough outline
>IppSec, video guides for retired HTB VMs.

>CEH, only looks good a resume to non-technical in HR
>OSCP, the big dick swinging exam, 24 hours to own 5 machines and a further 24 hours to write up a report detailing your methods.

>web app hackers handbook.
Thanks IBM!


>OSCP videos

>Advanced Penetration Testing
316 posts and 23 images omitted