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How terrible is north Korea really? I saw a video saying people now have cellphones but can't connect to the outside world and when I see windows timezone options I see North Korea in the settings. Are we being fed propaganda?
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>>15447937 >Chinese superiors They aren´t that different though...
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>>15448071 Libya is a poor nafri shithole in a region consisting of inbred drooling muslims who can't stop going to war against each other over muhammad disputes or clan affiliations. North korea is the same people as south korea, only kept poor from a communist dictatorship.
Chud Anon
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>>15448013 Norks starve because of the failed police’s of their government that I listed, once again, even the CCP knew that isolationism would lead to ruin and they had 100x the arable land of North Korea.
Everything you typed is a reimagining of history. The USSR and China both provided the norks food and essential supplies at concessional prices to win favor with the regime. It’s the norks own fault for hitching their carts to these failed ideologies to get gibs.
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>>>/pol/437286322 Anonymous
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>>15444524 Sounds based af, DPRK is based
Why do liberals always assert that Lincoln would have been a liberal/democrat if he were magically transported to modern day?
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>>15564266 Liberalism is just changing the status quo as it existed. If you go more to the left, they want radical change instead of a subtle one. Conservatism is just preserving the status quo. if you go more to the right, they want previous status quo or elements of that. Both liberal movements from the 18th century and of moderns times are true liberalisms because they both wanted/want to change the status quo. These terms are not monolithic or fixed and are very dependent on both and the time and place. A liberal from Saudi Arabia is different from one in America.
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>>15564141 To distract from the fact they were the ones supporting the Confederacy a century and a half ago and the ones responsible for all of those statues getting erected.
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>>15564299 I think he would have, but how is this pertinent to social issues or political affiliation? Wow technology advanced, just like how it always does in history before lincoln. He's not becoming a modern liberal/leftist because technology advanced it always does that irrelevant of political orientation.
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>>15564208 >>15564260 >abortion >"You can be any race or creed, but you need to be this old to have rights" Anonymous
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>all the libtardcucks couldn't even respond. BOOM. DONE.
>Leviticus 18:22 Why did Jews create homophobia? Are they evil?
>>15552725 >>15552726 You did not answer my question, this confirms you're dishonest.
>>15552782 No, no, you said "the Jews invented circumcision".
>>15552782 you're one of those schizophrenics who think the joos are why you're cut, are you
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>>15552442 Because a Jew got angry that their son didn't bring them any grand children after their relentless conquest for more money left them little time to make more children to offset the possibility of one son being gay out of many sons and daughters.
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>>15552789 I literally didn't, faggot. I said they invented doing it on babies.
>>15552653 Read with glasses next time.
>>15552803 I'm not cut, which is why I know baby circumcision is satanic and all those who defend it partake in its evil. I'm not obsessed with jews either so your ad hominem fallacy doesn't apply.
What topics do far-rightists and centre-rightists infight over?
Jon Kolner
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>>15524968 >religion It depends on your definition of left and right. Some consider post-Socialism, Juche Korea to be an example of a secular, right wing society.
>>15525594 Mentally ill people infight about that.
>>15525604 This. The rest just accept their string pulling and we can't do nothing about it
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>>15525628 No, I was mocking people like you.
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The Spanish empire was a backwards shithole and no amount of hispanista coping will change that, here's why
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>>9635799 Now you know how Brits feel when you move to England just to scrub toilets. Go back to Po(or)land.
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>>9639819 I wonder how you look lol, does the native show at all?
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>the Creole aristocracy in New Spain never totaled more than twelve hundred families - less than ten thousand people within a total population of more than six million- creating a ratio of noble to commoner many times smaller than in all European countries in the eighteenth century.
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Recelosos de la implantación de estructuras feudales en América, los Reyes Católicos, tanto como Habsburgos y Borbones, hicieron abortar todo embrión de feudalismo, logrando así que solo tres factores tejieran la historia de este continente: la pusilanimidad del burócrata, la codicia del tendero y la anarquía del mestizo.
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Spanish empire dump 2023
>be italian >laze in the countryside all day >flavour of the week conqueror from some northern barbarian shithole comes >peacefully annexts the duchy your live in after losing 450k men back in bavaria or something >asks you the same tithes than before >yeasure.jpg >builds and maintains forts, roads, sewers, aqueducts from his own pocket because your taxes can in no way pay for all that shit >bleeds money everywhere and even makes a baroque cathedral to ingratiate some cardinal banker >becomes flat broke >gets rekt by another foreign power >forced to retreat back to his country >new conqueror comes >rinse and repeat Call them stupid.
>>15198611 this has never happened in history though
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>>15198641 Nah it happened all the time in high medieval Italy
>>15198611 >be schizo ariana grande poster >makes strange barely comprehensible threads about italy all day >rinse and repeat >>15199743 >>15198611 Anonymous
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>>15200031 get killed you piece of shit
Is this philosophy just a cope for depressed incels, or should I take it seriously?
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>>15321682 He's an atheist. They can only think of everything as meaningless mechanical exercises.
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>>15321046 The fact that 'anti-natalism' can exist as a concept is what creates the distinction between our universe/realm of reality and potential realities. Because it places the act of reproduction under a decision-making process rather than a purely automatic one. That's what it means. That's the whole debate, in fact.
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>>15322855 Each one of us gets a small piece of that journey and learns from those who came before us.
I don't see why I need to be immortal to find pleasure in that.
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>>15312972 Doesn't matter because anti-natalists don't get chicks anyways lmao
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>>15312972 Antinatalism doesn't have much to offer in terms of putting their goals into practice, mostly due to a refusal on the part of most antinatalists to acknowledge the endpoints of the philosophy.
If conception is wrong because it violates the consent of the born child, who will inevitably face pain and suffering in their lives, why do few antinatalists come to the logical conclusion that forced sterilisation is moral? Is it immoral to stop a rapist or a murderer from harming children? The argument of "it would violate bodily autonomy" does not hold scrutiny because we don't focus on the consent of the perpetrator, we focus on the person they are forcing themselves upon. Consent ends when it intrudes upon the consent of someone else - which conception DOES.
That is why I personally do not subscribe to the antinatalist framework.
There is no more inspiring and uplifting message than the good news of Atheism. It can turn everyone's life around. In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, something exploded in the nothingness, and it was good. Then, galaxies, stars and planets formed out of this something, and it was good. Then, on one ordinary planet of one ordinary galaxy, some slime appeared in the sea, and it was good. Then, slime turned into worms and worms turned into fish, and it was good. Then, fish crawled off the sea, climbed a tree and became a monkey, and it was good. Then, monkey fell off tree and became a man, and it was good. Then, man stood up, said: "THERE IS NO GOD" and chopped off his dick, and it was very good. Then, all stars and galaxies burned out and all something that was there dissolved back into nothing, and it was the best.
>>15376369 >Then, man stood up, said: "THERE IS GOD" and chopped off his dick, and it was very good. Anonymous
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>>15379001 That a large swathe of all humanity is content to licking the soles of a bunch of deities is shocking to me considering how much we collectively revile indentured servitude, tyrants, and generally having to do things we don't want to out of our own interest. Its made even more pathetic by people making religion their "interest" just to cope with the fact they believe they are evil/unworthy/powerless to the whims of some jackass higher up the rung than they are.
>but they are all-powerful and can smite us with ease sure doesn't stop any rebellious figures from rising against insurmountable odds just to be able to taste their own free will. I'd rather die a rebel for 10 seconds before I'm smitten from existence than spend what few years in this realm I have wasting away trying to please an unpleasurable jerk who presumably made me just to suck his toes. its his fault for giving me free will if he has such a problem with it. next time don't do that to your vanity project.
>>15377958 Then how would religion answer that same question of "modernity"? How does the belief in a God, souls, or an afterlife answer modernity, outside of using them as an out to believe that their suffering in the material world had meaning, that their sterile conformist lives held meaning, and that they will live on after death as ethereal spirits in a realm of bliss, and that their enemies burn forever as punishment?
In the first place, I doubt many philosophers or historical figures live up to what they write about life, nor do they have an obligation to uphold those writings. The ideas should not control them, rather, they own those ideas, and thus should be able to control them or discard them whenever they no longer serve their wants or needs.
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>>15380215,1 Regardless of one's opinions on the "Eternal Return", there probably won't be a personally-relevant difference between it and an existence where it isn't the case. If everything literally plays out the exact same way, then that means we come into the world that very same way (i.e unbound by our old experiences), because the presence of said memories would mean that things would HAVE to play out differently, as that is a necessary outcome of reorganising or introducing information into a system.
What can you tell me about my ancestral groups?
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>>7563541 my mother is irish and my father is italian/polish so not at all
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>>7563530 no i'm not norwegian at all, actually german/irish/english/scottish, i guess it was west german tho mostly (either that or really old german that probably isnt there anymore)
i think it's just from viking rape in the british isles honestly
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>>7562929 Seems like you're a complete and utter Anglo, there are worse things to be