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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 121

No.61699341 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wanna simp for a fembot and cashapp her money and buy her cute clothes on her amazon wishlist!
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No.62305845 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your plans for valentine's day tomorrow?
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My Farewell

No.62152967 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

I can no longer live alone and unloved. It's hard enough without friends or a community/tribe. I wasn't meant to live without this basic human need for connection. It's all fucked. The system took everything from us... and we let them. No more small-scale communities, no more camaraderie, no more women with their dedicated and nurturing instincts left in tact. Only individualistic pursuits and a decadent, consoomer culture remains.

I dropped out of uni and quit my corporate job to pursue my dream of living off the land. My only friend moved away and no one my age lives in the countryside. I'm fulfilling my goal but it means absolutely nothing without someone to love and work with to build up this homestead. I moved away to become self-sufficient and have a more fulfilling life. What do I get? Complete isolation and loneliness.

I was just as miserable in the suburbs and cities putting up this fucking facade to function day-to-day with the rest of you. Ever since I was a child, I felt there was something wrong. I've always felt like I'm living in a fever dream where everyone is asleep except myself. I put up a pretty good social mask to fit in with the hyper-domesticated cretins but it made me sick inside. The lack of meaningful connection has nearly destroyed me.

Hedonistic escapes never worked for me. Video games, drugs (sanctioned and non), porn, etc; My brain just wasn't wired to get fulfillment from these sort of meaningless copes. I've always been a problem-solver. I realized early on in my life that nobody around me was concerned with solving problems or working together towards a common goal. Instead, everyone is simply on autopilot, getting dopamine hits from small talk.

I tried to adapt to this inhuman rhythm of live. The lack of basic human connection is too much for me to bear. I admit that I'm not strong enough to keep living unloved and without a tribe. I'm only human. At least I tried...
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No.62285911 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
negotiating before starting a WORLD WAR
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/Piggy Chan

No.62254455 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is she really gone forever now brobots
>was she seriously goin to move back to California and become a sex therapist
Might just consider moving too and become a regular John
>Were ever you are Sunny i miss u
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No.62238138 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
babygurl being a babygurl
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ciara horan

No.61454463 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
where can i find more pics of ciara/eliza
does anyone have a or google drive with pics and videos of her? i fell in love after seeing a few webms of her posted here like break up simulator.webm etc etc

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shes perfect

No.62232094 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
its unfortunately been a year now and i cant stop loving her
shes just so cute, funny and smart
post ciaras and say one unique thing you love about her, for me its her taste in music
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No.62225746 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>itt We pray for the return of the only true Queen r9k ever had

No.62219749 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>normies on reddit say that elliot rodger was goodlooking
yikes, why are normies so delusional
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