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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 17

Cum Tub

No.62417170 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I have a problem with doing things I know are gross but since i have lived by myself since I was 15 (now im 30) I've just done them since youth. I shit on a paper towel sometimes to check the consistancy to make sure it's healthy and of course piss bottles but the worst is the tub:
>be me
>be 15
>mom died in January , she was abusive so did not care that much.
>left me the house but with about 10 grand to pay left of mortgage.
>work shitty factory job to pay it off and own the house, get help from family on my dads side since they felt bad that I didn't see him that much (moved to thailand and never really came back).
>pay house off but work was stress full becuase I was so autistic, could not talk to people around me so it was just mundande and depressing.
>got a computer in 06 and began to coom to porn online.
>kept cooming on floor in my bedroom and got really smelly, like rotten milk smell.
>just started running to bath tub to coom so it did not make mess and just got into the habbit of it.
>no one told me not to so I just did it.
>have downstairs was room so I just use that becuase it is cheaper on water and the pipes always got clogged even when mom was alive.
Still poor fag, only work 15 hours a week. So need to save money where I can.
>hate using tissues , they cost money and I don't get to see my big boy squirts.
>just do it for years and never cleaned the tub.
>15 years now and im kinda proud of it.
>I never really worried about the smell since I only use the room to pee , poop and coom...
>I some times use deouderisers in there to rid the smell and it works well.
>got a gf last month for the first time and lost virginity (yeah I know im 30 and it took this long but give me a break)
>need to clean cum tub so she can come over and not get freaked out. I think she thinks I have a hoarding problem becuase I haven't let her in my house and we always go to hers.
Decided to post cum tub before i clean this mess. Feel free to ask questions about cum tub.
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No.23202565 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hi just wanted to let y'all know there's actual girls out there who like nerdy that shits my fetish.

Before you ask, yes I'm real and no I'm not "trolling" or whatever the fuck lol. Just felt like raising y'alls spirits after seeing whats happened in the past few weeks. If you don't believe me thats fine too...
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No.68534194 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yearly rundown thread.

Has anybody experienced any extreme bullshit in the last couple years? Just green text or vent. I want to see how comparable everyone here is as of now.

>robbed for $10k right before trying to get an apartment out of my state
>become homeless out of fucking nowhere
>suddenly diagnosed with pancreatic and liver failure
>cant feel my legs anymore
>fired from job
>everyone I know alienates me for no reason
>I became the butt of the joke when I used to be on top just a year ago
Cant wait to die

No.78262877 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good morning.
I fucking hate being a woman.
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No.78206228 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is it that when I tell a foid that I'm serious about a loyal, long term serious relationship they are happy,

But when I say it has to be exclusive they lose their mind?

Foids complain that they can't find men who want real relationships, but when they are told they can't have a cock carousel of simps they all of a sudden change their mind.
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No.74341392 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How it feels being an aryan jewish princess in america. my birth alone united the nationalist socialists with the ashkenazi yemenites in a brand new world of love and sex
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No.75797752 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Good evening /r9k/. I'm going to tell you all a story. One that I hope you'll enjoy. Feel free to ask anything you like.

>Be 6
>First day of year 1 in school
>Meet my first friend
>A new girl called Olivia
>A girl with light brown hair in a long braid that went down to her butt, green eyes, pink-rimmed glasses, and a big goofy smile
>She got sit next to me
>Instantly inseparable
>Our parents become fast friends
>I remember the first time I asked if Olivia could play at our house
>My mum looked at her mum, they both smiled and made arrangements for her to come to our house on the weekend
>Olivia and I played in my back garden all day
>Tons of make believe games
>I also went to Kids Karate on Sundays with my dad
>As soon as I told Olivia all about it she begged her parents to let her go too
>Soon enough we spent all day at school together
>Then all of Sunday as her parents would drop her to our house in the morning
>We'd play all morning, go to Karate in the afternoon and her parents would pick her up and take her home from Karate
>Sometimes they'd arrange it with my parents so that I went back to their house in the evening and had dinner with them
>We did all of our school work together
>Played together
>Ate together
>We were always each others partner pick in PhysEd or group activities
>I remember her mum joking with my mum about wedding bells
>Nothing was as ever as fun as when we were doing it together
>We stayed this way all the way through primary school
>Towards the end of year 6 her parents marriage wasn't doing so well
>They'd asked my parents to take her from school a lot more
>Take her on weekends a lot more
>Sometimes have sleepovers
>We were none the wiser as to what was going on
>It was divorce proceedings
>One day, there was a moving van when she got home from school and her mother told her they were going to stay with her grandma for a while
>She thought it was like for a holiday
>It wasn't.
>When she saw that her room had been packed up into the van
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No.77999727 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This shit is next level I highly recommend one. I regret not getting into the onahole game earlier, I've wasted my life death gripping and collecting porn but with my onahole I'm thrusting my hips and nutting with just one scene, it's so immersive you really feel like you are fucking the girl... I'm done in just a few minutes, so much time saved
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Who here robot because of meds?

No.46841684 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know many bots here are on meds to treat robot symptoms but are there any bots here who were normies or part of social spectrum but meds fucked them up and they became robots?

I was a normal, healthy, sport kid with a girlfriend in 10th grade but Tegretol medication fucked me up. Mood swings, Depression and crippling anxiety. Failed liver so I had to pretty much shit as soon as I ate. Suicidal thoughts and a failed attempt.
I was a norman but Tegrtol ruined my life


No.78060591 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
discuss mbti and related things here

previous >>78054988
551 posts and 116 images omitted