>>95245015The gay frog fetishist who made this thread can suck-start a shotgun for all I care, but I think generals serve no purpose any more.
The flooding of threads only matters when good threads are in danger of being killed prematurely, and this is no longer an issue because of /tg/'s steadily decreasing traffic and of the fact there are no good threads any more.
What gets killed by threads that belong in a general these days?
>bait thread regurgitating a long dead argument #123456789 × 10^9001>celeb/e-celeb drama that's tangential to games at best>content farms>film and literature discussion that have nothing to do with games>how do I solve [problem that would be solved by not playing D&D]>how do I solve [problem that would be solved by talking to the players]>literary lord magic n gods thread #9001>muh lore and in ur settan shit>puckee21 commission spam thread #9001>settings and worldbuilding that have nothing to do with games>spoonfeed me systems to use/do my GM homework for me>theater kid/failed novelist shit that has nothing to do with games>threads inviting discussion, made with no intention to actually discuss the topic>warranted innovative tactics to kill interest in legitimate subjects>WHY ISN'T MY FAVORITE THING POPULAR/WHY IS MY MOST HATED THING NOT POPULAR REEEEENothing of value is lost when these threads die, because they repopulate quicker than hypothetical rabbit-cockroach hybrids.
>This leaves room for more genuine threads to be made and potentially fun and/or interesting threads to be had.Can you point to any examples that are either currently on the board, or that have expired in the past three days?