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No.17527267 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>they don’t realize the mind-body problem is a false dichotomy meant to prime you into spiritual mumbo-jumbo
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LDS Growth Rate

No.17530431 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's going on with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its evangelization?
Mormonism was on a steep progression right to the top. Especially outside of the American(God's chosen) continent.

Why has world wide growth rate dropped so much? Genuinely struggling to figure this one out. Is it lack of beauty outside of America?

No.17530442 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
China was historically peaceful. In qing china, local governors had to record every murder so we have detailed records spanning centuries. Surprisingly, china's homicide rate was lower than contemporary societies of the time. It's even lower than modern day US and many western european nations. Even with the introduction of firearms, crime did not rise significantly. There are many theories why, but no one knows why exactly it was so peaceful.

Can this partly be attributable to genetics?

No.17530405 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>think religion is simple, one God, one faith, no problem
>stumble upon ancient mythology
>mfw every god is just a reskin of an older god

>Babylonians had Shamash, Greeks had Helios, Romans had Sol
>turns out all of them are basically the same sun bro, just with different names
>tfw even gods get recycled like bad movie franchises

>Venus = morning star
>Lucifer = morning star
>realize "Lucifer" is just another name for an old-ass planet worshiped as a god
>mfw Satan is just a fancy way of saying "bright and shiny"

>find out Yahweh used to be a storm god
>find out Yahweh might have had a wife, Asherah
>mfw early Israelite religion was basically polytheism on hard mode

>Zeus, Jupiter, Thor—literally the same dude with different beards
>mfw I’ve been playing god Pokémon without even knowing it

>every major civilization just kept copy-pasting divine entities with slight reworks
>at this point, I’m pretty sure all gods are just regional variants of the same cosmic shitpost

>mfw religion is just history’s longest-running crossover event


No.17528712 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The fact that the physical laws of the universe are finely tuned rather than coarsely tuned for the existence of life is not evidence for the existence of God because the God hypothesis does not predict a finely tuned world - i.e., it is completely consistent with the God hypothesis that God desired a coarsely tuned world rather than a finely tuned one. In order for fine-tuning to be confirmatory of the God hypothesis, one has to pack additional ad-hoc assumptions into the God hypothesis - e.g., that God has certain traits such that He would always prefer a finely tuned world to a coarsely tuned one. But one may just as easily do this with non-theistic explanations for fine-tuning - e.g., the universe has certain traits such that it is disposed to be finely tuned rather than coarsely tuned.
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No.17530387 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not really much of a "sacrifice" if he resurrected three days later anyway. Literally every human who has ever died for any cause has given up more than Jesus in that regard. His resurrection really ruins the narrative in that regard.
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No.17522785 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is hitting your child ever acceptable under any circumstances? Do you think this method of parenting has worked for thousands of years, but we're now seeing a moral degeneration of society since we started campaigning against this? Or is there no excuse for hitting a defenseless child and it will just break them?

I'm Asian, and if you ask me, I think it's acceptable as a last resort, but I also think it should be acceptable the other way around. For example, if a parent is wasting their money on gambling or lottery tickets and is constantly neglecting to provide for them, the child also has a right to use the belt on them.
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No.17526663 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don’t get it why don’t they rebuild the temple already? They control the land and have the resources.
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No.17530181 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>one reason Hitler was bad was because he considered Russians non-White
>meanwhile Franklin D. Roosevelt also considered Russians non-White
'Roosevelt also viewed the inclusion of what he saw as the "part-Asian" Soviets as important for the same reason'.
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