Alternate title: "What Were You Fucking Thinking, Aka-San? It's Not Too Late to Ctrl + Z" Edition
Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!
ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing
NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.;
>>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this
- Casual crossdressing without any /cgl/-context
Link collection:
Contact for suggestions or contribution:
Affiliated Discord server: thread: