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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
Anyone else really likes vanilla VF4? VF4 Evo has got the most feature rich home port and Final Tuned is the latest VF4 version on arcade but as a casual enjoyer I often go back to the vanilla. The stages and the overall presentation are the best imo.
Since 2018, I've been curating and posting a list of secrets, easter eggs, curiosities and fun little things to find in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I've posted this list several times in the past, and now the time has come to post it again.
Before we begin, I'd like to mention that the list which follows is a compendium of information derived from a variety of sources, which include old forum posts, strategy guides, videos, and things I've noticed during my own time spent playing the game. Above all, this list is comprised of entries submitted by /vr/ users who have contributed invaluable data over the last 7 years. I've said it every time, and I'll say it again: I learn something new about this game with each passing thread, and I don't think this thread will be any different. As always, if you have anything of merit to share, please feel free to do so and I will add it to the list.
And now, I present to you once more, the many secrets, mysteries and oddities of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Please bear with me while I post the current 118 entries...
>1. In the game's debug menu, a particular crash will cause a screen to appear with some gibberish. Alongside this gibberish, the phrase "I LOVE YOU" is displayed at the top.
>2. Hidden in the game's code is a fully functional Arwing from the StarFox series. This Arwing was used by the developers for testing various combat and camera control features. If you hack it into the game, you can fight it. Not only will it damage Link by trying to shoot him, but you can destroy it with numerous weapons, all of which will cause it to fall to the ground and explode.
>3. Signposts have some impressive physics effects. If you cut a sign and a piece of it all into the water, the piece will create a ripple and float. If you pound the ground near a broken sign with the Megaton Hammer, the pieces will jostle around. If you bomb a sign, pieces of it will fly all over the place.