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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Recently, the picture of a nigger in the Russian army that was captured by globalists has resulted in NPC repetition, where it's pointed out that /pol/ complains about non-whites enlisting in western militaries but sees it as fine when non-whites are in the Russian military and acting as if this is some kind of own. In typical NPC fashion, this ignores important details that make the two views far from equivalent and thus, non-hypocritical. The two positions accurately ascribed to /pol/ intellectuals would be equivalent and hypocritical if whites and non-whites were treated equally in the Russian military like they are in western militaries. This, however, is far from the case in the Russian military. Read further if you're an NPC who has a buried wish to no longer be an NPC or perhaps just a passing by free-thinker looking to learn. Anyone else is fairly warned, though if they want to avoid having their programming challenged, they are better off on a website that starts with R and ends with eddit.
>ziggers already throwing an early celebration over Pokrovsk >mfw they think this means Ukraine is done for Just because Russia might take Pokrovsk doesn't mean Ukraine is suddenly gonna roll over and die. Remember Bakhmut? Remember Lysychansk? Yeah, those fell too and were supposed to lead to a "collapse of the front", and guess what? Ukraine's still kicking. It took 6 MONTHS for Russia to reach the OUTSKIRTS of Pokvorsk from Avdivka despite there only being villages and fields in between them. Here's the deal: Pokrovsk ain't some magical key to victory. It's just another town in the meat grinder. Ukraine's been playing the long game. They're trading space for time, wearing down the Ivans. Western support is still flowing. Pajeets on Twitter and here can cope and seethe all they want, but the weapons are still coming. Ukrainian morale's still high despite zigger demoralization, their not giving up their country to some balding manlet in Moscow. Russia's taking ridiculous casualties and equipment losses. They can't keep this shit up forever. >inb4 "but muh Russian steamroller" >inb4 "Ukraine's running out of men" >inb4 "NATO won't help forever" Yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. Same doom and gloom after every Russian advance. But Ukraine's still in the fight, and they're learning. They're getting better at this shit while Russia's throwing bodies at the problem. So chill the fuck out. This war ain't over by a long shot. Ukraine's got more tricks up its sleeve, and Russia's victory parade is still just Putin's wet dream. tl;dr: Pokrovsk falling doesn't mean shit. Ukraine's still in the game.
Explain to me why the US army in the height of drone warfare is switching to vehicles with no armor and huge battle rifles to fight people with no body armor
I went to the ER and told Dr. Basedberg about recurrent suicidal ideation and intent and now I'm legally noguns and nocpl forever and I may have to carry a PepperBall gun like a faggot. Feels bad man. Post /k/ool images because it's the closest I'll get to having fun with firearms at this point t. washington state
1. What's the closest there's ever been to Clash Royale in real life? 2. Taking that into account, what's the most efficient strategy considering the current cards?