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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 12

No.58936199 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
when did everyone's military switch over to skateboard helemts?
149 posts and 16 images omitted

What's your top 3 Sniper rifles right now?

No.61555915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
19 posts and 3 images omitted

No.61828068 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How true is this?
130 posts and 54 images omitted

No.61835866 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How effective has /k/ been in terms of recruiting fighters for Ukraine?
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No.61393186 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When a Russian Spetsnaz cut the ear off a terrorist, his fellows re-enacted the famous "I am Spartacus" scene when the Kremlin wanted to punish him. If a western soldier did the same, his "friends" would be tripping over each other to sell him out for glow points with the Liberal Inquisition. Why do Russian soldiers show such camaraderie while ours do not?
20 posts and 8 images omitted

Rust Test Thread

No.62255507 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today we got alot of products (weak, strong, meme), chemicals and some background education to undersatnd value and function of products
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No.61311462 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why, yes I support based Putin's efforts against Globohomo. How did you know?
12 posts and 6 images omitted

No.62125282 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
why ukraine still can't defeat russia despite all newest weapons sent to them?
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/chuck/ - Comfy Happening in Ukrainian-Claimed Kursk

No.62232237 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Today, the People's Republic of Kursk declared its independence from the Russian Federation following a landmark traditional Russian-style referendum. In response to the people of Kursk's desire for self-determination, the Russian government has engaged in indiscriminate shelling of cities and towns in the ethnic Ukrainian-majority Western reaches of Kursk. The Ukrainian government is anticipated to pledge support to the innocent people of Kursk in their bid to escape the clutches of the genocidal Moscow regime.
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Victoria Economics

No.62024412 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Victoria is a novel primarily about /k/ content but I'd like to look at the small parts on economics that it had in Chapters 9 and 17 and how prophetic it was in regards to it.

>Chapter 17
>The crisis that occupied the feds' attention while Maine reestablished the doctrine of Nullification was one that usually comes in the last days of ancien regimes. The currency was collapsing.
>Then, in response to the financial panic of 2008, the Federal Reserve bank began printing money. Actually, it no longer had to print it. It could just enter a few keystrokes on a computer and presto!, trillions of dollars came into being. No one considered that something created so easily couldn’t be worth much.
>In October of 2018, a Big Mac cost $5.95. By October of 2023, it cost $99. For $150, you also got a small order of fries and a Coke.
>Wall Street got even richer from all the phony money, but the real economy, where real people had to try to get jobs, remained in the tank. That kept down inflation, for a while.
>By March of 2024, that Big Mac cost $500,000. By July, it cost $50 million. Financial Weimar had followed cultural Weimar. The middle class was wiped out.

>Chapter 7
>We stopped making things, and kept getting poorer, but no one put the two together as cause and effect. The GNP continued to rise, because the government kept the statistics.

Lind predicted Bidenflation as well as the federal government using their control over the numbers they print to try to hide the economic collapse from our eyes, though only liberals are stupid enough to fall for it.
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