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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 12
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when did everyone's military switch over to skateboard helemts?
>>58965071 Off to Ukraine you go. Have a fun war.
>>58943815 >>58946955 >>58947069 >>58958502 I'm not telling you to do anything, but daily reminder that derailing threads with offtopic garbage is against the rules and that /k/ has mods that actually give a damn unlike /pol/ and other containment boards.
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>>58966523 >you must be fanatically pro-Ukraine if you dislike me and my election tourist friends derailing this discussion about military gear Anonymous
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>>58957936 >muh Donbass >anyone who calls my bullshit out is reddit Get cancer, zigger. Oh wait, the post is from 2023. You're probably cubed already, kek.
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>>61555915 #1 Ruger 10/22
#2 Ruger 10/22
#3 Ruger 10/22
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>>61559247 >mmmhhh, i really want to make a thread with this picture of based putin >what is the most low effort thing to get a thread with it going Yeah, totally not have seen this kind of an attempt and your reaction a hundred times before.
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>>61558972 First of all, the flag is a leaf flag and they are infamous shitposters and false flaggers. Second, that OP picture received nothing but hostility from us. Third, I've been regularly putting basedness into the OP of the /meg/ threads but that doesn't change that the core of /meg/ is so that kikes can recruit Goyim to die for them, just as how a cringe commie false flag OP does not change /chug/'s hatred for communists.
How true is this?
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>>61829045 >You ignoring I'm also Croatian? Vidljivo je da si dijaspora kad se praviš ko da si hrvat u istom dahu kad govoriš da si srbin.
Jebo te Bog ova drลพava nije rodila veฤeg retarda od tebe.
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>croatian-serb >from australia >"living off defence neetbux" >autistic g-guys... that can't be perun, right?
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>>61828919 What the fuck? What was in that fucking dump, a goddamn petrol factory?
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>>61828943 First of all, the flag is a leaf flag and they are infamous shitposters and false flaggers. Second, that OP picture received nothing but hostility from us. Third, I've been regularly putting basedness into the OP of the /meg/ threads but that doesn't change that the core of /meg/ is so that kikes can recruit Goyim to die for them, just as how a cringe commie false flag OP does not change /chug/'s hatred for communists.
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How effective has /k/ been in terms of recruiting fighters for Ukraine?
>>61836402 the pro ukraine shilling on /k/ has the opposite effect on it's intended audience. I'm sure they're internally aware of this but they're paid to do it anyway and see it as an area denial tactic.
If /k/ becomes unusable and the native posters are driven off they see it as a win.
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>>61836851 >the pro ukraine shilling on /k/ has the opposite effect on it's intended audience. the irony is that we all dance for dead Russians because Russian shills would render this board unusable for weeks at a time before 2022. now we finally get our catharsis of watching all of the equipment that those faggots flooded the board with being reduced to scrap metal pyres.
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This thread was moved to
>>>/pol/470792749 Anonymous
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>>61836723 First of all, the flag is a leaf flag and they are infamous shitposters and false flaggers. Second, that OP picture received nothing but hostility from us. Third, I've been regularly putting basedness into the OP of the /meg/ threads but that doesn't change that the core of /meg/ is so that kikes can recruit Goyim to die for them, just as how a cringe commie false flag OP does not change /chug/'s hatred for communists.
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When a Russian Spetsnaz cut the ear off a terrorist, his fellows re-enacted the famous "I am Spartacus" scene when the Kremlin wanted to punish him. If a western soldier did the same, his "friends" would be tripping over each other to sell him out for glow points with the Liberal Inquisition. Why do Russian soldiers show such camaraderie while ours do not?
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Guys help the orphans of Tora Bora get their house repaired. Anonymous
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>>61393308 >Russia overthrew judeo-communism a decade and a half ago and recognizes it as a Yid tool to destroy the Goyim. Anonymous
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>>61393316 First of all, the flag is a leaf flag and they are infamous shitposters and false flaggers. Second, that OP picture received nothing but hostility from us. Third, I've been regularly putting basedness into the OP of the /meg/ threads but that doesn't change that the core of /meg/ is so that kikes can recruit Goyim to die for them, just as how a cringe commie false flag OP does not change /chug/'s hatred for communists.
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Today we got alot of products (weak, strong, meme), chemicals and some background education to undersatnd value and function of products
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We´re done with the /k/ plate now, the salt drop is also dry on that one test. The oil with the rust inhibitors against salt got no rust, so did the active vaseline. Active wax got minimal discoloration but the salt is still white (IRL)
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And here we go with the 1st import product, CorrosionX. IDK whats inside, all I know its a oil without chemicals on the SDS.Thats normal desu, chemicals that do not need to show up on a SDS wont show up so nobody knows your secrets. Its a very good product against salt and humidity, oils dry up so i wonder how this will do in 3-5 months desu
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The big plate got sprayed 2 days ago, i wonder why Breakfree CLP got black dots thats fast desu. Gun Oils are the cheapest to produce since a tiny concentration of very good rust inhibitor can just freely move around the oil to get to the steel, so amounts or 1% are possible, such products are technical as expensiv as pure oil which is below 2$ or around it. Breakfree CLP might be the BEST product for newfag gunowner since its usabe as a cleaner that wont degrease which means its not causeing rust from user error, besides that rust protection is MIL-SPEC and on a level above most meme oils. I even tested it 30days in a humidity chamber with daily water spray and it had minimal rust and all that non-toxic anc cheap
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Here we got Eezox, its a liquid product that contains very toxic solvent (makes cancer) and after evaporation it forms a waxy film. One of the strongest products and made how it should be for storage (goes on liquid and turns waxy), thats the reason why I imported it so I got a product to mess performance with. Besides that I started with project Gold Guard to offer a non-toxic replacment for that product so the republican voter stay alive longer. Since the solvent is chlorinated its absolutly aggressiv against plastic. Cant wait to see that bad boy in storage, had it multiple times in a salt spray chamber and also got a nail protected with it. I dont have information what waxy compound they use, since the solvent is very strong it could be simple wax which wouldnt trun clear in normal mineral spirit
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Can't have nice things.
Aspiring Investor
Why, yes I support based Putin's efforts against Globohomo. How did you know?
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The best thing anyone can do is agree. Lets gaslight these ruskis to oblivion lmao
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>>61311591 >came from /pol/ to act as a /pol/tard (brown, schizophrenic, NEET) >gets shit in his mouth >"U R REDDIT, OKAY?" whatever floats your boat bro
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>>61311591 fuck off retard.
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>>61311510 Whites are an extreme minority of the casualties that the Russian military suffers. The Russians using non-whites to draw ordnance away from the whites does not make it impossible that whites die in battle but does reduce the likelihood by a lot.
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why ukraine still can't defeat russia despite all newest weapons sent to them?
>>62125882 >>62125882 >You NATROONS would be tolerable if you followed the most important part of 4chan culture, which is being eager to make arguments As always with you retards, every accusation is a confession. Not one of you faggots in two and a half years has been able to tell me why Soviet revanchism is a good thing, you just default to spamming
>trannies trannies ZOG fascist CIA jews Maybe that qualifies as an argument over on /pol/, but you're not convincing anyone here.
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>>62126016 Tbh the british seems to be the ones who genuinely want ukraine to slamdunk russians and have spearheaded most of the red line breaking.
>>62126033 >/pol/ >intellectuals I'm fucking collapsing from laughter, thanks anon, I hope to God Himself this is some elaborate bait.
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>>62126028 >/pol/ is the heart and soul of 4chan >Without /pol/ 4chan would just be like any other normie site Fixed that for you.
>>62126036 >Yes we play double-bind mind games like women >But pointing this out is seething >>62126037 >Soviet revanchism Probably because none of us have been saying anything of the sort. Judeo-communism died in Russia decades ago, we spit on its corpse and Russia has been reborn as Ivan Ilyin invisioned.
>>62126042 /pol/ is the primary board for intellectualism on this site. We put facts before feelings unlike you shitlibs.
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>>62125929 >This board argues you into the floor every time Then why do you Reddit invaders constantly cry for posts to be censored? That is not what one would expect from someone confident enough in the strength of their arguments that they believe they are arguing their opponents into the floor.
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Today, the People's Republic of Kursk declared its independence from the Russian Federation following a landmark traditional Russian-style referendum. In response to the people of Kursk's desire for self-determination, the Russian government has engaged in indiscriminate shelling of cities and towns in the ethnic Ukrainian-majority Western reaches of Kursk. The Ukrainian government is anticipated to pledge support to the innocent people of Kursk in their bid to escape the clutches of the genocidal Moscow regime.
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>>62233787 to be honest, if I was Xi, I would do it anyway, even if Russia nuked. Taking over Eastern Russia is a lot more achievable than taking Taiwan
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Must be very comfy to be a UA saboteur running around in the countryside ambushing random Russian units and in general causing as much chaos as possible.
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>>62233778 I know it's black's turn, I just got confused by the king and queen piece that's all. I was on the mindset of black defending against a white queen on h4 after moving another piece.
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Kill the jannoids
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Victoria is a novel primarily about /k/ content but I'd like to look at the small parts on economics that it had in Chapters 9 and 17 and how prophetic it was in regards to it.>Chapter 17 >The crisis that occupied the feds' attention while Maine reestablished the doctrine of Nullification was one that usually comes in the last days of ancien regimes. The currency was collapsing. >Then, in response to the financial panic of 2008, the Federal Reserve bank began printing money. Actually, it no longer had to print it. It could just enter a few keystrokes on a computer and presto!, trillions of dollars came into being. No one considered that something created so easily couldn’t be worth much. >In October of 2018, a Big Mac cost $5.95. By October of 2023, it cost $99. For $150, you also got a small order of fries and a Coke. >Wall Street got even richer from all the phony money, but the real economy, where real people had to try to get jobs, remained in the tank. That kept down inflation, for a while. >By March of 2024, that Big Mac cost $500,000. By July, it cost $50 million. Financial Weimar had followed cultural Weimar. The middle class was wiped out. >Chapter 7 >We stopped making things, and kept getting poorer, but no one put the two together as cause and effect. The GNP continued to rise, because the government kept the statistics. Lind predicted Bidenflation as well as the federal government using their control over the numbers they print to try to hide the economic collapse from our eyes, though only liberals are stupid enough to fall for it.
>>62024647 >Unemployment skyrocketed under Trump >Unemployment lowered under Biden check and mate
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>>62024657 stormfags and schizos will not be missed
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>his union didn't negotiate for minimum annual wage increases with a floor equal to the average inflation rate sucks to suck
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>>62024657 man i love drone content
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>>62024667 If you only count the employment numbers in Conservative states who didn't panic and shut everything down to avoid a cold, you'll see that unemployment doesn't even wiggle. Also, all these unemployed are in Liberal states and thus are useless DEI hires.