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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 2

Economic warfare

No.63345850 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are we aloud to speculate on economic warfare here? The U.S. is currently draining the vaults of the Bank of England and sending the gold to New York. Obviously England doesn’t want this to happen but what can they do about it?
46 posts and 4 images omitted

The Battle Taxi

No.63330433 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The russians have taken it to a new level
262 posts and 53 images omitted

No.63326698 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fellas, is it gay to attack Chernobyl?
152 posts and 28 images omitted

fantasy /k/ thread

No.63204108 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Forces of the unknown have caused our world to merge/combine with a typical (or not-so-typical) fantasy world. Old world governments have managed to hold on to major urban and suburban areas, but rural areas range from fragile peace to complete chaos. People and towns from either side suddenly find themselves in a new realm, and portals going between both worlds are scattered throughout the lands.

The old worlds are gone, and two new worlds are in their place. Our side of a SHTF hellhole, and the other side of a untouched land of endless fantastical possibility. Be a STALKER, adventurer, hero, or bandit. The new world is yours.
This is fan/k/sia, and you're here forever.

Send a message to [email protected] if you want to have your story archived

>inb4 "No Fun Allowed"
-You don't have to browse this thread
-Whining about the thread won't stop the people posting shit on it from posting shit

>The fucking sticky
269 posts and 77 images omitted

No.63286588 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
which single weapon system if provided early enough could have allowed Ukraine to win the war? it seems as the weapon systems were provided in a way that was too spaced out and piecemeal to have had an overall effect on Ukraine's loss of the war. is there a single weapon system, if provided early enough in large quantities, that could have allowed Ukraine to win the war?

(hard mode not nukes)
114 posts and 17 images omitted

No.63292742 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how cute, they shart in the mart since kids!

!RaQpt23sJE No.63289834 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Voyage of BSM Benis continued...

So the last time we've left our crew, we just left Korkran, set the course to Paleo and are ready to scan the planet. So let's se...
14 posts and 5 images omitted

T-14 Armata to be deployed in Ukraine soon

No.63155347 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How will it affect the outcome of the military operation?
463 posts and 156 images omitted

I made this.

No.62456427 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Undiagnosed, but after spending years remaking this over and over until it was 'correct', I'm pretty sure.

Still clearly unfinished by the obvious raw wood and metal, but it has fired several .300 win mag rounds out of it.

As far as one can do, it is pretty much a direct carbon copy clone without actually measuring and cross testing on a original Wa2000. If disassembled, it's pretty much indistinguishable from the real one.
357 posts and 83 images omitted


No.62396251 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Russia troll spam threads
>Ukranians callng everythingna slide thread and making everything about their conflict
War tourism needs to die
396 posts and 133 images omitted