>>63291880Supply checks every 12 hours, and now 2 LSV. Oh boy.
>>63291905I mean, alien structure. How can we not?
If we explore every hex, that route works out to ~40 hours (+ events), so we would take at least 3 supply checks in the field. Average is 3.5 supply points, worst case is 8 (7 if not on a mountain).
So if we're unlucky with our first couple supply checks, we may have to hasty movement back to the shuttle.
I don't think the climbkit is worth carrying -- it saves us at most 3 hours (if we come back by the cliff hex), probably not enough to make a difference. I think +2 supply points would do more for us.
How about turbolaser, neuroscan, 2 e-cages, and 11 supply points?