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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 5

NuggetFest Recap Thread Part 2

No.55601686 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
MWNF Recap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's keep it going. No N-words Allowed Edition. (the word itself)
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No.63003892 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can I get a hell yeah
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White Pill

No.63005816 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hold fast soldiers! Reform is coming, soon, you will no longer fear life imprisonment for shooting at an attacker or being discharged for hazing degeneracy out of the military.
26 posts and 14 images omitted

new F-35 'pig dropped

No.63018590 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
so are we supposed to hate this guy or is he actually correct in this instance?
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In Loving Memory of /k/ as it Was and Should Be

No.63022882 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Remember back when we used to demand liberals post guns, scaring them off because they don't have guns to post? Remember when demands to post guns were not made by liberals, because they would slink back to their safe spaces when a gun gets posted? Remember when posting a gun to fulfill a post guns demand would not result in the gun not being accepted and receiving further mockery? Remember when demands to post gun on /k/ weren't the double bind-mind mind game that liberals turned it into?
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Military surplus

No.63008129 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will we see military surplus from the Syrian war? It seems like the government forces dropped all their uniforms and gear on the street and on former bases… although how much of it is just chink shit? Bonus question: how does veterans of the conflict on /k/(whether you’re from the U.S. military or just volunteering) feel about the end of the regime?
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Forever Wars

No.62925602 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Biden is mashing every escalation button possible so that Trump can't end the war. A very unsurprising thing for a petulant perpetually butthurt leftist to do.
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No.60392427 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is there some strategic advantage to being edgy? I've noticed that Russians online seem to gloat over the idea of being like an abusive ex-spouse that will kill your dog if you leave them, and I have never heard a Russian not cheer on the terror bombings of unarmed civilians in apartment complexes. I am not a general, nor a politician, so perhaps the wisdom of such things simply eludes me, but what actually is gained from such behavior in their war effort and diplomatic proceedings?
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No.62925122 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is he right?
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The Big One

No.25744773 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My dad just made a deal with me. If I sell my mosin now, he'll get me any gun (handgun, rifle, etc.) I want once I graduate college in three years.
So /k/, what should I get?
budget: $0-3000
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