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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 5
MWNF Recap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's keep it going. No N-words Allowed Edition. (the word itself)
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>>55617755 >>55617774 Truckerbro is alive and well. And yes, he is a genuinely nice guy.
>Source: He's a member of our regional Discord. Anonymous
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>>55601686 vazed Qbvsvtly zaseд
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>>55617609 BJ here, I never shoulda tried that. The admins server shouldve only been for communications and helping people get where they needed to be. Going down that route is something I regret immensely
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Groomer thread
Can I get a hell yeah
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>>63010028 would you play Russian roulette for a million bucks?
at least you have a chance of changing your life
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>>63003892 Hell yeah you should kill yourself for posting nothing but a picture of a headline.
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>Hell yeah brother
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>>63008406 >US >empire >>63009871 kys retard shitter
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>>63010023 >>63010039 >>63010665 >muh poor aggressor Die. I'm genuine about it by the way, I hope you get skinned alive just for that cringeworthy faux-compassion act no one is buying.
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Hold fast soldiers! Reform is coming, soon, you will no longer fear life imprisonment for shooting at an attacker or being discharged for hazing degeneracy out of the military.
>>63006066 I hate Hamas AND Israel. When they kill each other, the white race benefits as long as Golems aren't giving aid to the Kikes. By the way, congratulations on defiling the memory of the Confederacy again since they were fighting against tyranny and parasitism and you're associating them with the worst tyrants and parasites in existence.
>>63006066,1 >he needs to get the last word too bad hahaha
>>63006066,2 Jannies are infamous for making a reply post and then deleting the posts of whoever they are replying to or even deleting the whole thread in order to look like the left got the last word, as well as banning the poster that triggered them to prevent a counterargument. They have power trips to fill the void left by their missing genitals.
>>63006066,3 hahahaha faggot
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>>63006066,4 >Gloating about censoring people Hi Reddit.
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so are we supposed to hate this guy or is he actually correct in this instance?
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>>63022766 My penis is 13 inches soft. I walked into my local money factory, drummed it on the table, and now I make a million hourly. Shhh poorfag. Also I used the time machine I invented and built to go back in time and invent the Beatles.
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>>63022779 Don't they do it for free?
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>>63022737 Cry more. Red staters pull more money from welfare than blue staters. Nigger tier all the way down.
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>>63022811 >Nafo doesnt spam gay porn here >When there are so many replies with no text and a webm of buttsex, few of which ever get deleted because the mods are infiltrated by NAFO Gaslighting, the only thing that women and liberals are good at. In a perfect world where those who can't stand on their own feet starve to death, there would be no liberals by direct relation.
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Lmao, zigroid subhuman went to seethe on /ghost/. In a perfect world there would be no ziggers, hopefully one day it will happen and you will be found and skinned alive.
Remember back when we used to demand liberals post guns, scaring them off because they don't have guns to post? Remember when demands to post guns were not made by liberals, because they would slink back to their safe spaces when a gun gets posted? Remember when posting a gun to fulfill a post guns demand would not result in the gun not being accepted and receiving further mockery? Remember when demands to post gun on /k/ weren't the double bind-mind mind game that liberals turned it into?
>>63022882 Still seething lmao.
/sg/ lost
/pol/ lost
Russia lost
/k/ won
America won
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TLDR: OP is a self-admitted nogunz tourist. He will commonly come onto /k/ to make fake /meg/ threads, or spam utterly niggerbrained threads like this one. He is on the autism spectrum, and will patiently wait out his 3-day bans just to spam the same shit. He defends his nogunzism by claiming he is fighting against the liberals he made up in his head. I repeat, he does not own a single weapon.
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>>63022908 It's an example of what liberals have done to the formerly /k/ practice of demanding a gun be posted, not an example of before they twisted it you complete fucking retard. Now post guns.
>>63022930 >>63022943 How liberals have corrupted the practice of demanding a gun be posted has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. Now post guns.
>>63022997 See
>>63022912 , now post guns.
Oh wait, one of your friends in the moderation deleted the thread. Saving all of you from having to post guns.
Will we see military surplus from the Syrian war? It seems like the government forces dropped all their uniforms and gear on the street and on former bases… although how much of it is just chink shit? Bonus question: how does veterans of the conflict on /k/(whether you’re from the U.S. military or just volunteering) feel about the end of the regime?
>>63008129 Hate to tell you this, but it's actually extremely abnormal for third world shitholes to surplus out their gear since they're so paranoid of random insurgencies (one of the reasons they stay shitholes). In fact, most countries, even surprisingly developed ones like Canada, New Zealand, and Australia tend to destroy their surplus and create hoops for civilians to jump through to possess it.
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>>63009296 Those countries stopped doing it recently because they realized it was retarded to exterminate their surplus like that, which will lead to shortages in the near future.
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>>63009292 The death of Brunner is a total mystery because nobody knew when he died. It was either between 2001 or 2010. Luckily, the Syrian government didn’t destroy their files when their country collapsed, so there’s a chance for the new got to do the funny and release all the files to the public. Which may have some information about what happened to brunner
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>>63009027 More like they compromised with Russia lmao. Syria was still a dysfunctional mess, but the Russian government(by extension the USSR) kept it alive by a thin margin.
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>>63008234 Aged like cocks in ass
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Biden is mashing every escalation button possible so that Trump can't end the war. A very unsurprising thing for a petulant perpetually butthurt leftist to do.
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>>62925668 it wants you to support puccias jews instead of ukraine jews
>>62925643 >Yeah, there's nothing wrong with handing children out Russian couples who beat the shit out of them and/or rape them, or tossing them in reeducation camps. Vatniks deserve to be ground into pig feed.
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>>62925668 You do not look like a cute anime girl. You look like an abomination against all that is good and pure and by this point, the best thing you can do for yourself and the world is kill yourself, hopefully botching it slightly so that it ends up being slow.
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>>62925679 >beat the shit out of kids you're raising Yeah, that's called discipline. Children not being disiplined creates things like Trigglypuff.
>rape them That's what's happening here. You ever see the pictures of draggots grooming kids in libraries.
>tossing them in reeducation camps Teaching white children to love the white race is so horrible.
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>>62925648 Putin is making a better offer. The parents could instead join Russia to be with their kids rather than those kids being subjected to the tranny indoctrination/grooming that a country with a Kike Drag Queen as its president inevitably does.
Is there some strategic advantage to being edgy? I've noticed that Russians online seem to gloat over the idea of being like an abusive ex-spouse that will kill your dog if you leave them, and I have never heard a Russian not cheer on the terror bombings of unarmed civilians in apartment complexes. I am not a general, nor a politician, so perhaps the wisdom of such things simply eludes me, but what actually is gained from such behavior in their war effort and diplomatic proceedings?
>>60392427 Russians I've noticed seem to treat homophobia as the ultimate good that justifies every bad. They will say, at least we don't let men marry men here as a defense to basically anything. They are just people filled with hate and they see that as their only strength.
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>>60394291 The Catholic Church is a devil corrupted church that is pushing slave morality. The Orthodox churches and Protestant churches are where one goes for genuine Christianity.
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>>60394689 >>60394689 Otto Von Bismarck was so successful because he grasped and wielded hate, an emotion more powerful than any other and God's greatest gift. He once remarked "I have spent the whole night hating" though it would be difficult to find a single rural conservative American who could not honestly respond with a "bitch please". A people filled with hate are a people destined to be strong and powerful.
>>60393908 It's really confusing how shills accuse anti-globalists of being troons when globalism is one of the biggest supporters of troonism in existence.
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>>60394689,4 >Russia bans media portraying faggotry in any positive way >Ukraine has a jewish drag queen as president >Ukraine's spokesthing is a tranny >The first head of NAFO joined the 41% >Under Zelensky, Ukraine banned spreading hate facts about faggotry (or hate speech as liberals call it) >Russian citizens will beat to death anyone who wears a faggot flag on their person or belongings on sight and the state will praise them for their zeal in destroying degeneracy Yet despite all this, they'll try to tell us that the troon side is Russia. They inevitably become more twisted than an octopus in the contradictory goals of blending in here and shilling for globalism at the same time.
Is he right?
>>62926296 To par with the F-16 and F-18 programs?
The F-16 program cost $1.01T inflation adjusted and the F-18 program cost $0.67T inflation adjusted for a total of $1.68T.
The F-35 program has cost $2T to date but that's not too bad considering the F-35 shits on both the F-16 and F-18 in terms of capability.
>>62926349 The DoD and congress know Boeing is fucking them on the F-15ex, it's a way of bailing Boeing out without the bad PR of giving them billions in handouts.
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>>62925122 >fake "futurist" retard who makes mediocre cars, fugly trucks, fake robots and suborbital meme rockets doesn't understand that the missile systems on an F-35 are supersonic rocket-powered "drones" with a substantial warhead >he thinks an F-35 goes toe-to-toe with an adversary like fucking "Star Wars" space fighters and doesn't dispatch those "drones" from over the horizon at the edge of radar detection >he wants to replace supersonic tech with propeller driven toys Jesus, I can't wait until the "Steve Bannon" effect kicks in and Trump discards him like a piece of used toilet paper.
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>>62926361 >F-35 program Is also three different aircraft which share some parts. So, divide that by three.
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>>62925335 Flags on /k/ would be nice. It would deprive your ilk the ability to accuse every anti-globalist of being a street-shitter. You'd be forced to start coming up with arguments instead of making ad-redditums or (more likely) slink back to your safe space. I bet if flags came to /k/, a whole bunch of Jeetland flags would be calling white men Pajeet or Sanjay until habits get adjusted.
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My dad just made a deal with me. If I sell my mosin now, he'll get me any gun (handgun, rifle, etc.) I want once I graduate college in three years. So /k/, what should I get? budget: $0-3000
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>>25748234 its possible
>>25748286 good thing its my grandfather's will that I want in on
>>25750497 not a bad idea
>>25750497 Just put it in grease first so it doesn't rust
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>>25751366 >implying cosmo isn't so deep in its bones that it could survive 3 world wars and a brief stint buried under a new state capital Anonymous