42KiB, 765x573, 11037181_960591783960785_7066122359327709586_n.jpg
Quoted By:
>assault spears
>why need spear for cave defend? why not use club
>high capacity assault spear youngling killer spear-holder
>real tribeswoman think you're compensating for no twig and berry
>needing more than one spear to hunt meatwalker
>only chief and village defender need spear
>thinking you can kill chief with spear
>longnose tribe doesn't have spears
>remember cave killing many moon ago? five youngling dead because of spear
>why need spear for cave defend? why not use club
>high capacity assault spear youngling killer spear-holder
>real tribeswoman think you're compensating for no twig and berry
>needing more than one spear to hunt meatwalker
>only chief and village defender need spear
>thinking you can kill chief with spear
>longnose tribe doesn't have spears
>remember cave killing many moon ago? five youngling dead because of spear