Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 14

/Sun/day - The real sun edition

No.41535836 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace with

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are not welcome here.

Previous thread:

Mare Fair Thread #38: Fire the PR Staff Edition

No.41468283 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous >>41466947

Last day of Mare Fair is here. This is the new official thread because the Mare Fair PR staff can’t be arsed to bake a thread in time for their own con.
612 posts and 102 images omitted

Rainbro Dash Thread

!!fFnHwjFV49q No.489030 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Get in here, you awesome writing bastards

old thread here: >>488985
541 posts and 137 images omitted

Mare Fair Thread #36: PR Staff is Useless Edition

No.41465883 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread

Mare Fair is TODAY! How are (You) enjoying the con so far?

Remember, with our updated website you can find musicians, vendors, panels and more! Make sure to check the schedule as well during the convention.

First off, musicians! We have a large lineup of musicians for this year’s Mare Fair, and we’re excited to share them with you. You can check the performers and their times inside the “Musicians” section on our site.

Secondly, vendors! We’re happy to announce that many vendors, returning and new, will be selling their goods at this year’s Mare Fair. Not only that, but we’ve also added in a little something for those after dark fans…

You can check out the vendors, and their wares, in the “Vendors” section of our website! You can access AD vendor details in the “Clopper’s Cave” option within the vendor page!

Finally, you can now view the panel and event schedule for the convention within the “Schedule” section. Make sure you plan out what panels and the like you’d like to attend, and be sure to have as much fun with them as you can!

Check them all out on our website:

As mentioned before, our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside! No changes will be made to the dates, so if you've made any travel plans from September 27th through the 29th in the area, just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!

If you would like to know more please visit our website at:

Finally, just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair! (Sorry Soirée and Matinée, maybe next year.) We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life, and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: [email protected]
642 posts and 97 images omitted

No.38521552 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>go to bed
>see this
What do?
244 posts and 87 images omitted

Fan Site Alternative Thread #97

No.41355262 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

Post-nuke edition.

>Why alternate boorus?
Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus arose to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on

>Why alternate text sites?
>Why alternate text, fanfiction, and fanfiction archival sites? has deleted, and continues to delete, greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format. FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be "unacceptable" as late as Jan 22 of 2024,. As such, a new home is needed.

>General purpose boorus by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66] by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc] by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR] by Raindev [!RaInbOWink] (dev MIA)

>Specialized boorus: by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] - Underage - Hot glue

>Greentext, fanfiction and fanfiction archival sites managed by Not Twifag/Floorb
IAS ( (Text search) managed by Floorb

>Video sites

>File sharing (frozen until further notice)

>Latest Developments:
- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.
- FoalFetch is being worked on, but slowly. Downloads for stories were added.
- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites, and looking for volunteers to help.
- Ongoing comment and image spam on the various altboorus.
- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste, which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles, their authors, and tags (but not its actual content) was patched.
- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as "unacceptable" (mainly foalcon) by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom (FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru, ect.) they "found" to be associated with said material. In response, Floorb has created For keeping up with the ongoing drama, see
- TPA/Ponybooru server restoration completed after going to shit. Hobune instance also updated.
- Ponerpics image back-forward buttons broken (again)
- Foalbooru brief hostile takeover/server issues? Resolved?
- Floorb finally bulk-imported missing images onto Twibooru, image processing queue bloated due to such.
- Total Spammer Death solution in place on Twibooru.

Last thread >>41319267 (nuked)
389 posts and 33 images omitted

Mare Fair Thread #31: Dawn of the Final Day Edition

!!fjenat+Ey8K No.41454133 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>41451826

Marefair incoming, Brace for Impact!

Remember, with our updated website you can find musicians, vendors, panels and more! Make sure to check the schedule as well during the convention

First off, musicians! We have a large lineup of musicians for this year’s Mare Fair, and we’re excited to share them with you. You can check the performers and their times inside the “Musicians” section on our site.

Secondly, vendors! We’re happy to announce that many vendors, returning and new, will be selling their goods at this year’s Mare Fair. Not only that, but we’ve also added in a little something for those after dark fans…

You can check out the vendors, and their wares, in the “Vendors” section of our website! You can access AD vendor details in the “Clopper’s Cave” option within the vendor page!

Finally, you can now view the panel and event schedule for the convention within the “Schedule” section. Make sure you plan out what panels and the like you’d like to attend, and be sure to have as much fun with them as you can!

Check them all out on our website:

As mentioned before, our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside! No changes will be made to the dates, so if you've made any travel plans from September 27th through the 29th in the area, just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!

If you would like to know more please visit our website at:

Finally, just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair! (Sorry Soirée and Matinée, maybe next year.) We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life, and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: [email protected]

All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes:
Ebonyglow !!eSW1dXRikgk
Rez !!fjenat+Ey8k
776 posts and 212 images omitted

MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.41410391 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link
Get a physical copy
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link
Get a physical copy
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 3
Download link!7Y43RCoS!WujvDfG-20FsDUXsMAIPpZE8qp3FECTL58wETuMIozY
Get a physical copy

Somehow, summer's winding down, and soon enough it'll be time for cooler weather, fall colors, and lively festivals! That definitely means that Sweet Apple Acres has been busy for a while, with more work yet to do, but hopefully Applejack's been pacing herself. After all, it would be a shame if she was too tired to make the cider...

Previous thread.
499 posts and 206 images omitted

Maggie Joy

No.41109420 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hasbro made a poniefied version of a deaded kid. I have high (degenerate) expectation from the community... do not disappoint.

801 posts and 198 images omitted

CYOA General #17

No.41359600 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>41245390

Post-Nuke Edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.
List of related content:

>How do I run a CYOA?
>I can't into art, but I'm a competent writer. Should I still run a CYOA?

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What race would you play?
>What genre are you interested in?

>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread?
Yes, just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.

>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted
Moonlit >>Here
Caravan Guard >>41358999
Disco Equestria
161 posts and 21 images omitted