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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 15

No.41427896 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Reminder that if you support this ending, you are EVIL.
86 posts and 10 images omitted

No.41432306 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does Sunny cope with the fact that Opaline stole Hitch's virginity?
14 posts and 2 images omitted

No.41427243 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How did this faggot take over the fandom so quickly?
18 posts and 6 images omitted

No.41424785 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>I am forgotten
58 posts and 14 images omitted

Vylet Pony

No.41427630 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thoughts on their music?

No.41421485 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Your new roommate is weird.
>Not weird like they don't bathe regularly, or randomly bring up their stamp collection in casual conversation.
>There's something just off about that mare, that gnaws at the back of your mind, but you can't place your finger on it.
>Either way, she does her chores and pays her half of the rent on time, so you can't really complain.
>But you swear, ever since X'lrythmortep moved in, you've been having very bizarre nightmares almost every night, and you wake up feeling worse than when you went to sleep.
>This last week you could have sworn you heard unintelligible chanting coming from her bedroom late at night when you went to the bathroom.
>Odd, since you rarely see her hang out with friends, at least the SAME friends.
>It seems like when she does finally bring a guest over, it's a different pony every time.
>Nopony ever comes back either. They must leave through the window every time; Odd.
>Don't even get you started about her weird diet as well.
>She doesn't mind when you eat meat, which is already a rarity for these mares, but even she eats the stuff too.
>The only difference being, she eats the stuff you wouldn't eat even if you were starving.
>The other day you caught her happily munching on pickled eyeballs.
>You felt nauseated every time you heard that squishy pop of her biting into them.
>Where does she even buy this stuff?
>One time you caught her eating ramen, at least what you thought was ramen.
>Turns out she was slurping down the entrails of Celestia knows what, like spaghetti.
>You know every time you talk to her, you want to bring up all this weird stuff.
>But for some reason, when you stare in those blood red eyes, you just forget what you we saying.
>What were you talking about again?
>Oh yeah, you forgot to mention.
>The smell.
>Dear Celestia, the smell.
>You've smelt dead squid wrapped in newspaper, and soaked in brine for a week that didn't smell as fishy as her.
>You get used to it eventually, but man, you can smell her coming a mile away.
>But yeah, this pony is definitely a strange one.
>She keeps on carving mysterious sigils into the floor in her room, and lighting rings of waxy candles all around.
>There’s no way you’re getting your security deposit back now.
>At least she can’t sneak up on you, with those suction cup sounding hooves of hers.
>It’s weird, no one else in town seems to take note of this pony, and how out of place she is.
>She just showed up one day out of the blue, and decided to search for a roommate, and you were the one unlucky enough to take her in.
>It’s not that she’s all bad though.
>She can be downright cute when she wants to be.
>It’s just that you know something just isn’t right about her, but you can’t be sure why.
>I’m going to go lay down now. I’m just so damn tired.
3 posts and 2 images omitted

Fimfiction Thread: Now with 31.5% more pointless arguing and 0.7% less OP faggotry

No.37526033 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Fillyanon being precious, AJanon continues to read Easthorse, there can only be one (AJ western fic), 4chan anon angry at using 4chan posts in 4chan threads as 4chan thread OP images, displaced remains a blight upon humanity, more fic reviews, COPEium and the loss thereof, nuclear pony power, productivity and writer's block, the metaphysical dialectics of genre and execution, the way to popularity is paved with porn or dramablogging, Fimfiction is dead, people don't read Dante, stallions and harem isekai, Harry Potter's worldbuilding still sucks, anon time travels and gets frostbite on his dick, nobody read The Hobbit, we almost have the Blink discussion, Twilight playing with her ass, imagine actually using Fimfiction, we should fix FiM by iteratively making it Harry Potter, American housings, Diarchy discussions, give horses horse names, pony tax evasion, is FiM all that different from Harry Potter anyway?, it's back, did you know 'ye' is actually supposed to be pronounced 'the'?, more like Furfiction, that time ERP almost killed the site, "We'll make our own Fimfiction", Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God, the art of cover art, anonfilly conversion project, Easthorse lore, more like Furfiction, we're all just kinda winging it, stalking users, new writers and old fics, epic AUs you'll never finish, sex life and clop writing, FP and FP but FP though FP, Chrysalis but with a dick but not futa, the art of cover art (reprise), multiple anons outing their accounts, read FiMC, Escherian architecture, and Cadance continues to be Queen of Cuckqueans

FiMFiction Starter Kit (recommended fics):

List of Reviews made by the Anons in this thread:
Use the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.

>How do I write fanfiction?
Ezn’s guide -
Politics and the English Language -
Perfect Pancakes -
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop -
Horse Behaviour -
Setting a story in motion -
Taking criticism -

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Reviews and riffs that are likely not up anymore:

>Voiceguy's archive:

Last thread: >>37501864
535 posts and 68 images omitted

G6(?) Leaks

No.41400215 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Purported leaks of future pony
Real or fake? (You) decide
537 posts and 121 images omitted


No.41384290 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Which is your favorite? Why are they so beautiful?
60 posts and 14 images omitted

No.41396027 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Everyone is always talking about le uglo Season 9 faces even though they are more like Season 1 faces restored, but noone is talking about Season 1 side mouths. Look at them pnonies.
38 posts and 16 images omitted